Chapter 104

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~~few days later~~

Ross's POV

Today is the day Laura comes back to LA. I haven't told her about the encounter with Brie the other day. I plan to tell her in person and not over the phone. Ryder and I are on our way to pick her up.

Ryder: I can't wait to see mommy!

Ross: I can't wait either, buddy.

I drive to the runway where we were going to wait for her. Her plane was just landing when I got there, so it was perfect timing. The plane door opens and I see Laura in her sunglasses and her sweatshirt.

 The plane door opens and I see Laura in her sunglasses and her sweatshirt

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

When she sees us, she has a huge smile on her face. She quickly went down the step with her carry on bag in her hand. She came up to us and gave us a hug.

Laura: I missed you guys!

Ross: I missed you too

Ryder: I missed you mommy!

Laura: I missed you too, baby boy. (We pull away from the hug and I kiss Laura.)

After the kiss, Laura gives Ryder a kiss.

Ross: let's go home. (I say smiling. She nods and holds Ryder's hand and mine.)

We walk to the car, the guys already put her bags in the car. I buckle Ryder in his car seat. I get in the driver's seat and hold Laura's hand then I drive home.

Ross: it's good too have you back. (I bring her hand to my lips and I give it a kiss)

Laura: hmm, it's good too be back. (She looks at me smiling)


We just got home, Laura went upstairs to take a shower. I put Ryder in his room since he fell asleep. I think now is a good time to tell Laura about what happened when Ryder and I were at the ice cream store.

I go in our room and I think Laura is still in the shower. I decide to wait for her. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

Laura's POV

I just got out of the shower and I dressed, I went to the room and see Ross peacefully sleeping. He looked so cute, I smile and go to him to give him a kiss. He kissed back which surprised me since I thought he was asleep.

Laura: I thought you were asleep?

Ross: I was, then you kissed me. (He says smiling)

Laura: I love you.

Ross: I love you too. (I got on top of him and rolled so I was laying next to him)

True Love (Sequel to A Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin