Chapter 79

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Ross's POV

We're driving to the restaurant so we could have our family dinner. We get out of the car and enter the restaurant. A guy came up to us and started talking to Laura. He looked like he worked here.

Guy: hi Laura

Laura: oh hi Sean nice to see you

Sean: you too. Hi Ryder

Ryder: hi Sean

Who the fuck is Sean and how does he know Ryder and Laura?

Laura: Sean can you seat us please?

Sean: sure how many?

Laura: uh. Ross how much

Ross: 15

Sean: wow (Laura and Sean laugh. I roll my eyes at them)

I was behind Laura so she didn't see me. I think the guy saw me, but I don't care. He's flirting with Laura and I don't like it. He leads us to the table and we all sat down. Ryder was sitting between Laura and I.


We just finished our dinner. My dad went to go pay for the meal. Laura and I offered to pay half, but he resisted.

Laura: are you going to tell your mom that your staying in New York an extra few months? (She tells me silently so only I can hear)

Ross: yeah I just don't know how to tell her

Laura: what are you worried about? (We're still talking among our selves quietly)

Ross: I- (I get cut off by mom)

Stormie: what are you guys talking about that you guys are whispering?

Laura gives me a 'tell her now look', she turns to my mom and gives her a smile. She cleans Ryder's face which had chocolate since he had ice cream for dessert.

Ross: uh we're discussing how I won't be coming back to LA for a few months (she gasps)

Stormie: what, why?

Ross: I'm going to stay here for a few months with Ryder. Then I'll be back home afterwards. I just want to be him and to catch up.

Stormie: Laura please keep an eye on him.

Ross: don't worry mom I'm going to be staying with her. (My mom gives Laura and I a warm smile)

Stormie: as long as you're with someone who I trust, know, and love. (She smiles at Laura)

Laura: thank you Stormie.

Ross: mom, I'm 25 years old. I can go to a different place and be independent.

Stormie: Ross, you don't even know how to do your own laundry. (Laura laughs, but she doesn't look at me, she was looking at my mom then at Ryder)

Ross: that was one time and a long time ago. I know how to do my own laundry now.

Stormie: Ross, that was a month ago (I playfully roll my eyes at her)

Ross: whatever

Rocky: mom, I won't be back in LA for a few months either.

Stormie: why?

Rocky: I want to spend time with Dani. We haven't seen each other in four months.

Stormie: ok sweetie, I trust Dani. Dani, Laura, keep an eye on him he can get into trouble sometimes.

Laura: don't worry Stormie. I'll keep my eyes on both of them.

Dani: I will to not Ross, but Rocky. (My mom laughs)

My dad comes back. We all stand, get our things and leave the restaurant. We get in the car and drive to the hotel which was like 3 minutes away.

Laura's POV

We just arrived in the hotel, we all get in the elevator and I hug them when they leave for their floors except Ross. He's going to get his things and bring it to the penthouse. Dani told me earlier that she won't be staying at the penthouse anymore because the workers had finished re-doing her floors. That means Rocky is going to stay with her at her apartment.

I take Ryder to the penthouse and I go straight to his room to change him into his pajamas. I brush his teeth, tuck him in his bed, and sing him to sleep. After he sleeps, I go to my room and change to comfortable clothes. I wore an oversized t-shirt and shorts that was covered by the shirt. I put my hair in a bun and remove my makeup. Dani knocks on my door.

Laura: hi Dani what's up?

Dani: I'm gonna get going

Laura: I'll walk you downstairs

We go downstairs and she hugs me.

Laura: bye I'll see you tomorrow

Dani: bye Laur (She leaves and Ross shows up in front of the door before I close it)

Laura: hey

Ross: hey Laura (he gives me a hug. I hug him back)

We pull away and I let him in the penthouse. I feel him staring me.

Laura: I'll show you to your room. (He nods and follows me)

Ross: where's Ryder?

Laura: he's sleeping (I open Ryder's door to check on him. He was peacefully sleeping)

Laura: your room is the one next to mine

Ross: thanks Laura

Laura: no problem. Just knock on my door if you want anything. (He nods and enters his room)
Guys follow me on Instagram at rauralove_4227

True Love (Sequel to A Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin