Chapter 130

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Ross's POV

Today is the day we're bringing Rosalie home. Laura is getting ready while I'm putting Rosalie in the baby seat.

Laura: is she ready?

Ross: yes (I look at the sleeping baby girl in the car seat)

Laura: aww my little girl. (She bends down and kisses Rosalie on the head)

Ross: my two beautiful girls. (I kiss Laura then I carry the car seat)

Ross: ready to go home? (Laura looks at me and smiles)

I take her hand and we walk out of the hospital. I had signed her out earlier while Laura was asleep earlier.


We're now home. Laura takes Rosalie out of the car seat. She cradles her in her arms.

Laura: look baby girl, this is your house where you'll grow up and have a happy life. (I smile)

Ross: let's take her to her room. (Laura walks upstairs to Rosalie's room)

Laura was sitting down, I wanted to carry Rosalie. I took her from Laura and I see Laura smile.

Ross: she looks just like you, Laur. She's beautiful. (Laura smiles)

Laura: I love you Ross.

Ross: I love you more.


I'm downstairs with Rosalie, Laura's upstairs sleeping. Ryder's going to be home soon. This is so new to me. I've never actually taken care of a baby before. It's a good thing I have Laura who'll help me since she's experienced. I hear the door open and I go to the foyer. I know it was Ryder coming home from school, I gave my mom keys to the house.

Ryder: daddy! (He hugs my leg, since I'm tall, I rub his back)

Ross: hey bud, how was school.

Ryder: fun. Daddy can I hold Rosalie?

Ross: of course, go sit on the couch. (He goes to the living room)

Stormie: hi Ross, hi Rosalie

Ross: hi mom, thanks for bringing him back.

Stormie: no problem. I have to go, I lover you. Tell Ryder and Laura I love them. (I nod)

I go to the living room and Ryder was there waiting for me. I smile and I let him hold Rosalie.

Laura's POV

I wake up from my nap and it was nice. I'm relaxed now and less tired. I went to Rosalie's room, neither Ross or Rosalie were there. I decide to go downstairs. While I was going downstairs, I heard 'aww hi baby sister' I smile, at that. I go in the living room and I see Ryder holding Rosalie.

Laura: aww, my babies.

Ryder: hi mommy (I walk to the couch)

Laura: hi baby boy, hi baby girl (I kiss both of them)

Ross: hey baby. (I smile and peck his lips)

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