Let's break up.

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The next morning, Kahi got up early and went to look for Nichkhun after asking for his room from the service desk. She took the elevator to his floor and walk to his room, seeing the door open a little. She enter the room happily hoping to surprise him, but instead she sees him sleeping with another women next to him naked. Kahi froze in shock as she looks at the two people in the bed. 

“Oppa.” Kahi say as her eyes sorrow at him. 

Nichkhun wakes up hearing a Kahi voice, opening his sleepy eyes, he sees Kahi standing by the bed in tears looking at him. He feel himself naked with only boxer on under the blanket, he looks to the side and see Tiffany sleeping next to him. Before he can say anything, Kahi runs out of the room in tears, swinging her full force, and slamming her hand at the door to support her up, she continue to run, the bracelet fell off her wrist. The same bellboy sees Nichkhun running after Kahi half naked, he walks pass Nichkhun room to the elevator. The bellboy pick up the bracelet and wanted to shout for the girls but went confuse seeing Tiffany in Nichkhun bed, she was getting up with the blanket covering around her body. The bellboy quickly walks away. Nichkhun chasing after Kahi and calling her name at the same time. Kahi ignore him, crying fiercely to the elevator and pressing the ‘close door’ button to close the door as fast as possible but Nichkhun stop it and went into the elevator, grabbing and trying to hold onto her hand. 

“Kahi.” Nichkhun worried say, “I…. I really don’t…….”

“I don’t want to hear it anymore.” Kahi say tearfully as she tries to get away from. “just leave me alone.”

“Please Kahi, I….I was drunk” Nichkhun tries to explain to her, “I didn’t do it with her.” 

“How would you know that? Like you say you were drunk.” Kahi say as teas running down from her eyes.  

“Kahi, you know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.” Nichkhun say. “I—I don’t know….she…I” he tries to explain.

The elevator open, Kahi runs out of the elevator toward room. Nichkhun run after her, she reach her and the girls room, she shut the door on his and cry against the door. 

“You’re a liar.” Kahi say tearing. “You’re a liar.” She repeats. 

Nichkhun knocking on the door repeatly, “Kahi please open up. Kahi I can explain.” He say, Jung Ah and Jooyeon wakes up hearing Nichkhun calling for Kahi. 

They went to check, but only to see Kahi against the door crying. 

“Please let me explain.” Nichkhun plead from outside. 

“Go away! I don’t believe you anymore.” Kahi say hurtfully, “I knew you had something with her. But I didn’t listen to myself.”

“Kahi please, open up.” Nichkhun say. “Kahi.”

Jung Ah and Jooyeon went up to Kahi. Nichkhun continue to bang on the door repeatly for the next 30 minutes, she wouldn’t open, and people were walking up and down the hall looking at him. He had to go back to his room; Tiffany weren’t in his room anymore. An hour later, after Kahi told the girls what happen, Jung Ah and Jooyeon tries to cheer Kahi up. Down at the lobby, everybody is there talking and saying goodbye. Junsu paid for all the rooms, and the skies became dark and start to rain. The AS girls surround Kahi after Jooyeon and Jung Ah told them what happen. Nichkhun got out of the elevator; he sees Kahi and run up to her. The girls block him from coming near her. 

“Kahi please let me explain.” Nichkhun say worriedly and guilty. “I didn’t…I was really drunk last night, there’s no way I could had done it…”

“I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear it anymore.” Kahi say. “You’re a liar.” She runs out of the hotel into the rain, Nichkhun ran after her. 

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