Chapter 21 Everybody cries at weddings

Start from the beginning

"I do hope you are not considering marrying him," king Marcos drew her attention, "don't make a mockery of my generosity." His eyes were on Torcan now too. "He is not a suitable candidate."

"I am well aware," Vara said dryly. Then she smiled. "Your majesty seems surprised."

He chuckled softly. "One would think you can no longer surprise me, Vara. I should be used to your resourcefulness." He took a breath. "Accept a dance from the son of lord Matís next."

"What?" Vara said startled, "why?"

"Because he is a guest at this court. Because this is a celebration and it's what's expected."

Vara thought for a moment and something clicked into place. "Have you already decided who you want me to marry, my king?" she asked.

King Marcos sighed. "No Vara. I have promised you it would be your choice and I will keep my word. But for you to have a choice, you need to have options. And it won't harm you to get acquainted with some of the young men."

Vara sighed too. As much as she would like to run in the other direction, she knew there was no escaping it. She nodded. "Very well."


"She is fourteen and visiting the city with her family." Vara smiled mischievously. "Her brothers are both in the guard. The family will be staying for a few days in the city house they own. It is her first journey away from home and her father allowed her to join him in his visit at court so she could see how her brothers were doing..."

"But her name!" he whined, what is her name?"

Iolaus smiled down at the girl on his arm. It wouldn't be long now before he could afford a house. He could hardly wait to make her his wife. For now he would have to settle for the brief supervised moments he could have with her. He could feel the eyes of her brothers in his back wherever he turned, overprotective as they were of their only sister, but he barely paid it attention. They knew each other well and over the years he had gained their trust.
He brushed a strand of hair away from Ophelia's face. "Why the concern?" he asked gently.

Ophelia sighed and tore her eyes away from Vara who was currently dancing with Felix Matís, the heir of the Matís family. "I was thinking that perhaps you should ask Vara's next dance."

Iolaus chuckled nervously. "I think I'll wisely stay out of it tonight. I will not put oil on the flames. There will be talk."

Ophelia bit her lip. "I don't like seeing her unhappy. Do you think the king wishes her to marry Felix?"

"I do not know," Iolaus answered, "but if he does, he will not announce it tonight. Most likely he will present her to several of the young courtiers. Now that Cyrus is married to a foreign princess, Vara is the only option for the lords to form closer ties with the royal family. They'll be vying for her attention." He looked at Vara, who had accepted a dance from another young lord. She smiled at everyone politely, but Iolaus knew her too well to not notice the insincerity. It was a forced smile and she looked like she wanted to run away. "Keep an eye out for her while Cyrus and I are away in Tireze," he urged Ophelia.

Ophelia smiled. "I already promised I would. Don't worry. I will distract her as much as I can."

He kissed the top of her head. "Thank you."

"She is my friend too," Ophelia told him, "you just make sure you take care of Cyrus. Keep him out of trouble."

Iolaus smirked. "Despite of what you think, love, Cyrus does know when to act as crown prince. It may be an arranged marriage, but he'll treat his father-in-law with respect. He knows this treaty is important. He can be a diplomat if he wants to. And if he doesn't want to that is when I will step in."

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