"Shut up. My house my rules." Daisy snapped." Anyway you all love it, just admit."

Nobody did but rather moan some more protests when the play button was pressed.

Daisy had an unhealthy obsession with this movie and everyone had watched it more than they would've liked too. Casper knew this was Daisy's way of getting his mind off everything but his mind kept betraying him and wandering back to the smell of peppermint that he could swear had somehow imprinted in his lips and the colour of fresh green grass.

And then there was "Hey Janice, nice wig what's it made of?"

Casper grinned and turned to Daisy just has she turned to him.

"YOUR MUM'S CHEST HAIR!" They shouted just as Janice did and burst out it fits of cackles and giggles. The rest looked on in disgust at the two in the corner laughing like lunatics and quoting almost every line from then on.

He really did love this movie.

Soon everyone else stopped moving and even Darla and Logan had joined in with reciting the quotes while Hedgehog looked on in amusement. They couldn't have stayed silent for long. It was half way into the movie when Daniel admitted he'd never seen Mean Girls before. Daisy had all but spluttered in mild shock while Logan cried that the boy was now corrupted body and soul, that he could have lived a normal life without mean Girls in his life.

Casper didn't altogether forget his problems, there was a slight nagging sensation at the back of his mind but the night was enough to be distracted at the most.

They decided to call it a night when it turned eleven.

"I'll text you later tonight." Daisy said as the hugged goodbye. Casper nodded moving on to Daniel.

The whole point of today was for Daniel to meet up with his friends and altogether it went pretty successful. Great even. He saw Hedgehog smile a goodbye, Logan a pat on the back and Daisy gave the biggest grin and most awkward hug she could give. Darla, Casper and Daniel parted ways from the other three with smiles and waves until they decided they'd given enough farewells and turned to walk down the street.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill Daisy next time she puts that movie on." Darla complained.

"I thought it was pretty funny," Daniel said, looking pretty happy.

Darla huffed," maybe after the first few times you watch it, yeah. But Daisy honestly puts that on all the time."

Casper let her prattle on and complain about the same topic for the next two streets. He was still kind of angry at her, maybe not angry as such but a little pissed. She didn't have to start on him and bring up the whole thing with James and him – that wasn't true- especially in front of Daniel. He didn't need Daniel to think things that wasn't true about him and he didn't need feeling more shitty about the predicament he was in with James either because he had no freaking idea what was going on with them and he didn't need the focus on them right now and for it to come up every time just when he was freaking out about it.

"-what were and Daisy talking about anyway?" Casper heard Darla say when he finally tuned in again.

He looked at her, not really wanting to talk to her or tell her about what happened. Not right now at least. So he cast his eyes to the ground with a scowl, it deepened when he saw how much bigger Daniel's feet were to his. "Nothing," he mumbled.

Darla looked unconvinced. Although Daisy and Darla didn't get along much- since that time at the party it had gotten worse between them- they both knew that they were equally Casper's best friends. It didn't really bother him that they were girls; why should it? He could have a laugh with them just as much.

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