Preston was beginning to hate how much he'd come to need it, to crave it.

There was a definite undeniable chemistry between the two that Preston found impossible to get out of his head. It wasn't just through the sex, either, but the small things; quick kisses exchanged when nobody else was around, the light knocking together of hands, quiet glances from across the room. It was driving Preston crazy. He wanted nothing more than to just quit the secrecy already.

But Lachlan didn't want that.

"Then take it up with the police, because we all need to eat tonight and if I spend all afternoon screwing you then they won't," came Lachlan's chirpy voice from the kitchen.

Preston grinned as he got to his feet and went to join Lachlan in the kitchen, jumping up onto the counter and watching as the blond began to pull dishes and other things he needed out of the cabinet beside the oven.

"Fifteen minutes," he suggested with a grin, eyeing Lachlan's ass as the guy bent down to pick up another tray. "Then I'll even help you cook."

Lachlan turned around to smirk at him. "This family has been a terrible influence on you, Preston. You used to be so innocent."

He felt his cheeks flush as he looked away with a grin. "It was bound to happen some time."

He heard Lachlan huff of a laugh without looking at him. "I suppose so."

Preston carefully slid off the counter and crowded Lachlan into the small space of the kitchen from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist.

He felt Lachlan's body still under his as he pressed a soft kiss to his neck, smiling against his skin as he heard the man let out a small, contented sigh.

"Get off me," Lachlan murmured as he relaxed into his arms. "I need to cook."

"Fifteen minutes," Preston promised as he gently nipped at the skin of Lachlan's ear in the way he already knew drove him mad. "Then I'll help."

"Fine," Lachlan sighed, spinning around in Preston's arms and slamming their mouths together so hard that it would have knocked the wind out of his chest completely if he hadn't known that it would happen.

He was growing to love the way Lachlan kissed; the way that he was both purposely and absently rougher than anyone else he'd been with. As Lachlan knotted both hands in Preston's hair and jerked him forwards, his tongue hot and heavy in Preston's mouth, he felt his already half-hard dick give an interested twitch under his jeans.

Lachlan had clearly felt that, because Preston could feel him smirking against his lips as one hand left his hair to slide up under his shirt and trace the muscles of his back.

Lachlan pushed him away for just long enough to discard his own shirt and tear off Preston's before he was pressing their bodies together again, skin colliding with skin, heat on heat.

"See?" Preston laughed breathlessly into their kiss. "This is fun."

"You're so fucking annoying," Lachlan breathed against his neck, before quite frankly violently sucking on the skin there, and damn it felt so good, but-

"Don't, you'll leave a hickey," Preston managed, shoving Lachlan roughly away.

He stumbled backwards, eyes widening in surprise. The pair stared at each other for a moment before Lachlan's eyes went dark and he practically shoved Preston's backwards and pinned him against the wall, lips colliding with his in a bruising kiss, leaving him breathless and wanting and unable to do a whole lot of moving with Lachlan's arms pinning his own above his head, his hips keeping Preston's firmly against the wall.

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