Chapter 25

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A/N: I do believe that I'll be wrapping this story up shortly, there's myabe 5 chapters or so left. I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of the awesome fans who comment and show support. This story had a lot of road blocks in the way while working on it and it is entirely thanks to you awesome fans that I've had the drive to stick to writing this weird story :D

This chapter is for all of you who have been waiting so patiently for a specific scene :D


Rimmon was watching the Arc Angel, the mortal and the Neutral contrust a slightly asymmetrical symbol out of chalk, candles and a cheap hibatchi charcoal grill. The look on his face was a mix of disgust and amusement and despite his constant stream of admonishments that this was a stupid idea that would end with all of them killed, he was the one directing the others on how to set up the most powerful summoning sigil possible.

"Normally I'm on the OTHER side of this shit." Rimmon growled under his breath, slightly adjusting the alinement of one of the candles and a single white rose.

"Normally I'm trying to stop people from even trying to learn this shit." The Arc Angel Gabriel growled back.

"Normally I'm trying to stay as far away from this shit as possible." Coyote added his two cents in, knowing that it would rile up the already snarling immortals.

"Normally I'm screaming someone's name and getting pounded into the sheets by this time of night." Belle said her part and shut all the men up.

The blonde smiled softly as Rimmon started to laugh, Coyote joining in a moment later. Only Gabriel didn't find the comment funny, and Belle was pretty sure that was entirely due to possessiveness. And secretly she loved it. With her regulars, if one of them got possessive, she dropped them right away. It was too dangerous to let that kind of thing happen. But with Gabriel, it was all different. He wasn't interested in her because of her face, or her body or her job. He really was in love with her soul, and that made the once escort feel all flustered and girly in ways she hadn't for years. The Arc Angel ignored the other two men present and pulled Belle over to wrap his arms around her and glowered at the rest.

"The only name you'll be screaming from here on out is MINE." The Arc warned, a rumble in his voice.

Rimmon held back the laughter that danced in his blood as he realized that the Arc Angel was undeniably head over heels for the whore. She was a sweet girl, and Rimmon had nothing but respect for the woman herself, but he felt it was a little stupid getting all worked up over a mortal. His situation with Lone was different, she literally held a piece of his soul. He needed to get it back if he wanted to go back to the way he was before. The question the demon refused to ask right now was whether or not he really wanted things to go back to the way they were. Even though Lone tried to push everyone away and depend only on herself, somehow the Demon had been pulled in along with a slew of other unlikely sorts and now Rimmon was torn. He had one foot still firmly planted in the world of the Descended, but more and more of him was getting pulled into the light. The Demon knew he had one trump card to play that would get him back in the good graces of his kin should he choose to stay Descended.

When Gavin had torn off his wings and cast aside his Ascended nature to be with Lone, Rimmon's own bond to the mortal woman hooked the now Fallen angel. If Rimmon wanted to, he could Tempt the once angel and make not just Lone, but Gavin his own menagerie. It was a mighty tempting thought.

"Is that all?" Coyote asked, pulling the Demon out of his thoughts.

Rimmon eyed the sigil on the floor, looking passed the strangely beautiful symbol to see the Power that filled it. There wasn't a single mar or flaw that weakened the symbol. They might just have a chance to get out of this alive. All of them.

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