Chapter 13

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Dumb Coyote opened the door to the cabin and gestured for the other two to head in first. Rimmon smirked at Gavin and sauntered in, cocky and brazen as always. Gavin followed a moment after, still resisting the urge to attack the Demon while his back was turned. It wasn't honorable, and it sure as hell went against the rules, but his palms itched with the desire to throttle Rimmon while he was mortal. Lastly Coyote walked into his own cabin and stepped to the side, putting a physical distance between him and them. They were all staring at Lone, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, blood dried on her upper lip and a piece of paper in her hands.

"Lone are you alright?" Gavin asked, taking a step forward. The look she shot him, made the Angel take an involuntary step back; there was so much animosity in her glare.

Rimmon smirked again, thinking that she had chosen to discard the Angel's favour for his own. He stepped forward, reaching out to touch the human when suddenly she was on her feet and her fist connected with his face. Rimmon grunted and crumpled to the floor, holding his broken nose as the pain rocketed through his skull. It sucked having to take the abuse while he was forced to be wholly mortal. Normally his body absorbed the pain but now he was forced to feel the full effect of it. His eyes watered and he groaned as he pulled the crumpled appendage straight.

Lone hadn't stood still while this was happening though, no, she'd spun from punching him and kicked Gavin right in the stomach, sending the Angel tumbling backwards. She moved forward to keep raining abuse down on them both when Coyote grabbed her and hauled her away. She was swearing at them all, using every foul name she could think of to label them with. "Lone..... Lone.....LONE.... ELONORE!" Coyote tried to quiet her down.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" she roared at her sensei, twisting in his grip. But despite her strength, he clung on and held her in place. Gavin was wheezing but regaining his feet and Rimmon stood, still hodling his tender face. They stared at her in shock and a little awe as she was finally forced to stand still, glaring murder at both of them.

Coyote pushed her back until she ended up sitting on the edge of the bed, and gestured for the other two to keep their distance. "As much fun as it is to see you bash them around, that's not why I brought us here." Coyote stated with a calm smile on his face.

"There'd better be a very good reason to have them anywhere near me." Lone growled, the hatred on her face hiding the hurt in her heart.

"Lone..." Rimmon tried this time, taking a small step forward with a shy smile. He was convinced her could charm his way back into her good graces.

"If you come near me I will rip your balls off and hang them from my rear view mirror like fuzzy dice, I swear to God." Lone forced herself to talk to him. She looked from the startled Demon to Gavin. "And you, you're no better than he is. You're supposed to be my Guardian Angel, but you pull this shit?" she demanded, shaking the letter that was still clutched in one hand.

"What is it you think I've done?" Gavin asked cautiously. Lone gave a short laugh, not buying his innocence in the least.

"Parasites. You're both disgusting parasites. Tying my soul to yours so you can try and pull me in. Force me to do what you think is best for me. Because you obviously couldn't just talk to me about it, no instead you have to go behind my back and try to consign me to your rules. And you," she turned her gimlet glare on Rimmon, "now you never directly lied to me, which I appreciate, but it's the same bull. You don't give a crap about me, but instead you just want my soul for another gold flipping star from your bosses." she shook her head, anger running out. She wanted to hang on to the anger, it buried the hurt. "You cursed me and he 'blessed' me and you're both so full of it. Get out." her voice was tired sounding.

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