Chapter 17

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Lone stared at the empty bottle of liquor and wondered when they'd drank so much. She hated alcohol normally, but it had seemed.... appropriate somehow. She swayed even though she was seated and Rimmon laughed at her drunkeness. Neither him nor Gavin seemed as swilled as she did right now, though that figured. They weren't actually human.

"You know what really deserves a laugh?" Lone asked Rimmon, voice slurred.

"Oh and what's that?" The Demon asked, a smirk dancing around his lips. The Angel glared at him over Lone's head, eyes promising a painful and violent death. That only served to make the Demon want to provoke him more. So he ran a finger along her jaw, letting it trail down to her neck and slowly creep towards her... the Angel snatched his hand and threw it away from Lone's body and Rimmon laughed a deep, throaty sound. It didn't occur to him that the voices of his brethern were strangely subdued at the moment...

"The fact that you thnik I'm gonig with you to Hell." Lone replied. Then hiccuped, following the sound with a very girlish sounding giggle. Lone clamped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide with surprise that she made the sound.

Gavin slid his arm over her shoulders and pulled her away from the Demon. "He can't make you go with him, you have to choose to go. And you don't have to do that."

Rimmon allowed the Angel to pull his human away, knowing that he had solid hooks into her now. And they would only get stronger the more she let him touch her. "For once the Angel is right. I can't make any mortal go with me. But he seems to be forgetting that I can bring you there without permission because you're Branded." the Demon leaned forward, trapping Lone between him and the Guardian Angel. "But I won't do that unless you ask me to." the Angel reached forward to shove him away but Lone used the chance to slip off hte counch entirely.

The human stumbled a few steps until she caught herself on the island. With an unbalanced hop she managed to haul herself to sit on the island, away from them both. "Mr. Grabby Hands and Mr. Wandering Fingers, you're both wrong."

The Guardian Angel and the Demon Ambassador stared at her, amused and confused. Lone stared at them, waiting for them to figure it out on their own but they couldn't. She laughed to herself softly, drunk and careless because it occured to her that they wouldn't understand because she had never told them. "I'm not like normal girls. Or boys. But that's biology." she started to get off topic but then Gavin stood up from the couch.

She couldn't help staring at him, he really did draw the eyes. Tall, broad shoulders and she knew a set of abs that were drool worthy. Memories of how far she let things go between them flashed through her drunken mind, making her cheeks colour as she recalled the hotel room.... Rimmon cleared his throat and broke the temporary spell, Lone realizing that Gavin had walked over in front of her and she'd let him.

"I'm s'posed be mad at you both. You lied to me, used me and took parts of my soul." Lone cried out, the sullen anger in her gut finally overwhelming the drunk and confused hormones.

"To be fair we did replace them with pieces of our own." Rimmon called from the couch.

"Not helping." Gavin chided over his shoulder. The Demon hadn't known Lone as long as he had, he couldn't see the same warning signs that Gavin could. Her Guardian Angel had been watching her even in exile for her entire life, he knew her better than any mortal man ever could. Loved her more honestly than any mortal man would.

Lone looked up at Gavin's bright blue eyes and he saw the self loathing and confusion that they had all but forced on her. She didn't understand the irresistable pull of the marks they'd both put on her, and even if it wasn't her fault that her body was now responding to instincts that weren't natively her own, she felt responsible for it. The Guardian Angel wanted to kiss her and tell her he loved her. That there was nothing she could ever do that would make him stop loving her and most importantly that none of this was her fault. It never had been. From her mother's untimely death to now, it wasn't her responsibility to bear. It was his.

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