Chapter 4

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****Warning, this chapter has some..... sex based abuse, if that makes you uncomfortable, please skip past the part marked off with ~

Elonore walked in the front door and put the keys on the table. The tv was off and the couch was empty. She looked at the clock on the wall and realized it was after midnight, her father had gone to bed. Sighing with relief at not coming home to an attack, Lone walked to her room barefoot. She tucked her jacket back into her bookbag and slid it under the table, out of sight and pulled of her burgandy blouse. THe idiot had ripped it a little while trying to pull it open. She was only glad she'd worn the tank top so she hadn't been exposed by his fumbling attempts at molestation.

"Idiot." she called herself softly. She knew that going to the party was a bad idea. But it'd never occured to her to worry about some guy trying to hook up with her. It just didn't happen to her.

Lone walked into her room without paying attention, already unbuttoned the top of her jeans and came ot a dead stop. There was her father, sitting on her bed, empty bottle at his feet and the picture of her mother in his hands. He tilted, weaving from side to side even while sitting and blinked slowly looking at her. "Linda?" he asked, voice hopeful and soft.

"No dad, it's just me, Lone." she shook her head, still an awkward. She didn't want him here, in her room. But he looked so sad and heart broken. So vulnerable and... not angry.

Tears slid down his cheeks and he silently cried over his long dead wife. "Elonore." he said her name, voice harder. She flinched a little but still walked over to sit next to him.

Her father stroked the picture with adoring fingers. "Linda." he said again softly, petting hte picture. He continued to cry silently after that and Lone carefully put an arm over his shoulders, pulling him in to cry against her shoulder. It felt weird to her, giving this man comfort even after all he'd done. But he was her father. It felt wrong to let him cry and hurt alone. He raised a shaking hand and ran it down Lone's cheek, drunkenly tracing it like he had the picture of her mother. "Linda." he said again.

And then he pushed Lone, knocking her back a little and crushed his lips to hers. It surprised her so much she didn't react. She just froze, horrified and disgusted. "Kiss me Linda!" he begged her, voice angry and harsh.

"I'm not her!" Lone cried out, wanting to move away. She tried to slide past him to get away but he grabbed her and knocked htem both tumbling to the floor. He lay on top of her and kept kissing at her face, begging for Linda to kiss him. Lone started to struggle away, not wanting to stay and be molested by her own father.

He grabbed the empty bottle and swung wildly with it, catching an unfortunate blow against Lone's temple. A shooting pain flashed through her skull, the bottle broke and glass rained around them but she was too disoriented to notice. Gray ate at the edges of her vision while he slobbered over her, pulling his shirt off and tearing at her tank top.

~ (this part may make some uncomfortable, you can skip it and still get teh gist of the story )

When Lone started to struggle again, he hit her, slamming a fist against her ribs until she gasped and cried. He didn't stop though and jerked her pants off while she tried to gasp air back in. She lay with her new clothes strewn around her, basically naked and finally decided to fight back. He knelt a little away from her and was strugglnig with his belt and jeans, still calling her Linda. So Lone kicked out, knocking him over. She crawled over the broken glass, ignoring it as it dug into her knees and palm while she crawled away, gagging on the pain in her chest. It felt like a rib had caved.

He loomed over her and stomped down on her hand. She screamed as bones cracks and he followed up with a kick to her stomach, flipping her over onto her stomach. Glass cut into her back as he straddled her waist. He rained punches down onto her face until she stopped struggling, hten covered her battered face in kisses and called her Linda. She cried while his aura flared diseased brown and yellow around them, violating her.

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