Chapter Forty Eight // Love

Start from the beginning

My grandmother contacted my parents who are back in Italy, she told them everything that happened and they want me to return home as soon as possible. Somehow Italy makes me sad, I may have been born there but it isn't my home. My home is in England surrounded by my friends and the loser that I love. My parents aren't going to be happy once I tell them I am going to stay in England but they will have to deal with it.

Dale messaged James to tell him how our trip to the police station went and then we headed into town to have some lunch. Dale had his arm around me as we pranced and skipped along the busy streets, we looked like idiots but it was allowed because we were together.

"So.. I have an idea" I said quietly with a smile on my face, Dale looked at me weirdly.

"I get a job, you continue college and then we buy a nice apartment!" I shouted enthusiastically, Dale stopped walking and stared at me.

"You want to move in with me?" He asked in shock, I began to laugh and then nod.

"Of course, I'm staying in England and I don't care what my parents think" I said proudly while crossing my arms, Dale pulled me close and kissed me.

"I like that idea but I will also be getting a job, then we can get one sooner" He explained, I nodded and smiled widely. This could be the start of something amazing, I always pictured me and Dale finding a nice place together and starting adulthood.. Even when we had split up and I was back in Italy.

But you know what they say; 'If you love someone let them go and if they come back to you then they are yours to keep.'

..Something like that.

Dale stopped walking and glanced across the street at the fountain, he was staring at a girl who was sitting alone.

"Who is she?" I asked while glancing over, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I think I met her at Iris' birthday party" He said before frowning, Dale told me about her party and how messy it turned out to be.

Suddenly my phone began to ring loudly and it was my father, he obviously knows I'm not coming home. Dale left me to take the call and approached the girl he recognised at the fountain.

"Hello?" I said calmly when I answered the phone, my dad began to shout at me for not listening to them.

"YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! ENGLAND IS A TERRIBLE PLACE!" He shouted, I felt like my ears were going to bleed.

"I'm safe now, the men are locked away and I have Dale by my side" I said while grinning to myself.

"That boy is trouble and you know it, he broke your heart remember? He will always turn to drugs" My dad yapped on about how much he hated the person I am in love with, the whole time I was blocking him out I was watching Dale skipping across the road and smiling widely at the stranger by the fountain.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions and this is my choice, I'll talk to you later" I interrupted my dad before hanging up.

- Dale's POV -

I had no idea what this girls name was but I remembered her face, I think I bumped into her somehow at Iris' birthday party in the Oceania.

"Hey, you" I said with a grin on my face, the girl looked up at me in confusion. Her face was red and blotchy like she had been crying, I sat down beside her and she inched away from me.

"Do I know you?" She asked in confusion, I shrugged my shoulders and laughed slightly.

"I was at the Oceania a few weeks ago, I think I saw you there?"

The girl thought for a moment before bursting into heaps of laughter, I stared at her weirdly until she had calmed down.

"You are the break dancer! You asked me if I knew where James was and I don't even know a James!" She shouted while laughing, I rolled my eyes and regretted drinking.

"I'm Dale, nice to meet you" I said while holding out my hand, she shook it while wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I'm Elise" She said. After she had calmed down from laughing at my misfortune she looked like she was about to cry, I stared at her for a moment before looking away.

"Why have you been crying dude?" I asked her, she shook her head and lifted a piece of paper out of her bag. It looked like a letter of some sort that was addressed to her. I stared at the writing and then it was as if a light bulb had appeared on my head.

"That looks like Rae's writing" I muttered to myself, Elise stared at me in shock and her face went white.

"You know Rae? How?!" She shouted, I jumped back in surprise at Elise raising her voice.

"She went to my college before she had to stay in hospital for chemo, she's not very well at the minute" I frowned while talking and Elise burst into tears, I pulled her close and hugged her.

"I-I love her, I need to tell her that I love her" She pleaded, I nodded and continued to hug her tightly. Leila approached us with a weird look on her face, she noticed that Elise was aggressively crying on my lap.

"What is going on here?" Leila asked quietly, Elise sat up quickly before grabbing her bag and getting up.

"I'm going home, thank you for the hug Dale. Nice to meet you" Elise said to me and Leila, she ran off into the busy town. Leila sat down beside me and raised one eyebrow.

"That's the girl who is in love with Rae" I whispered while watching Elise run, Leila turned her head and watched her too.

"Come on Rae, wake up" I whispered to myself while scrunching up my face, Leila grabbed my hand and lowered her head.

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