Ch. 10 Anything for a Case

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Robinson, you may call your witness."

"Defense would like to call the defendant, Eric Larson, to the stand."

He was sworn in. He sat on the stand.

Reed walked over. "Mr. Larson, you're the plaintiff's boss?"


"Do you feel like your position gives you more opportunity to take advantage of your workers?"

"Of course not."

"Are women just as important as men in your office?"

"Of course."

"Was the plaintiff ever more than just an employee?"

"She was my girlfriend for some time, yes."

"Had you had an intimate relationship?"


"At the time of the alleged sexual harassment, were you having an affair?"


"So this sexual harassment wasn't sexual harassment, it was something of a flirtation?"

"Yes. She wanted it, wanted us to go public."

"Why didn't you?"

"I didn't want to hurt my wife."

"But you cheated on your wife. Wouldn't that hurt her?"

"Yes, but I didn't want to humiliate her by telling everyone."

Reed nodded. "Did you have feelings for this woman?"


"Did she have feelings for you?"


"So you had a relationship. How did it end?"

"It ended when my wife found out."

"Did the plaintiff continue to show affection?"

"Yes, she did. She would touch me at work. She would say dirty things."

"Wait. She said that's what you did," Reed spoke.

"Objection!" the prosecution shouted. "Your Honor, there wasn't a question there and it's speculating that my client is mirroring what actually happened."

"I said no such thing, Your Honor. If he thinks that's what's happening-" Reed put his arms up in an almost giving up manner. "-then maybe that's what's happening. Maybe his client altered the story."

"Your Honor, objection!" the co-counsel for the prosecution snapped. "He's accusing our client of lying under oath!"

I looked at Reed. "Mr. Robinson, tread lightly."

"I'm just connecting two and two, Your Honor."

"Try to do it on your own time, Mr. Robinson. The objections are sustained," I spoke.

He sighed and turned to his client. "Are you trying to tell the court she harassed you?"

"Your Honor, we've been over this. You just sustained our objections to this," the prosecutor spoke.

I looked at Reed.

"Your Honor, it's so easy for people to believe that a man in power sexually harassed a woman. Why is the reverse so difficult to believe? If this is what really happened, he should have a right to tell what happened."

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