Ch. 8 Evan

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When I came to, I was in a white room. I was in a bed. I wasn't in my clothes. I was in a gown.

I was in a hospital.

Andy stood by the door.

A hand held mine. Reed.

I squeezed his hand.

He looked up at me. He sighed, "Hey. You're awake."

"I told you I had a bad feeling about that case."

"I know."

I sighed. "What time is it?"

"Nearly three."

I sat up. "I was out half the day?!"

"Yeah, had us all scared," Andy spoke.

"Lay back. Relax," Reed whispered.

"I'll get a doctor," Andy spoke. He left the room.

Reed looked at me. "So I went by your house and picked you up a couple outfits. Rather, I had Jen do it."

"I should go home tonight," I spoke. "Jen is a first grade teacher. She can take care of me."

"And I can't?"

"You're my new boyfriend. I don't want you to have to deal with this mess."

"Georgia, I want to deal with this. I'd feel better if you were at my place."

"Did you tell Jen?"


"Okay. Then, I better go to your place and hope the swelling goes down tonight."

He nodded and bit his lip.


"I called your dad."


"I was panicked. You weren't waking up and he's your dad."

"What did he say?"

"He's on his way."

I nodded.

"I told him not to tell Jen."

"Okay, good." Then, I thought of something. "Your mother."

"She doesn't know about us, no, but she was worried about you."

I nodded.

A doctor came in. "Judge Monroe, I'm Dr. Paul. How are you feeling?"

"A little tired, but fine."

He did a quick exam.

"Dr. Paul, when can I leave?"

"Well, you passed your neurological exam and you have a mild concussion. You have two stitches in your head. Your cheek bone is probably just bruised. It's not broken. Swelling should go down soon."

"So I can leave?"

"Yes, just take it easy. If you feel worse or you get sick, come back in, okay?"

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