Chapter 22

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Please read Authors note at end!~

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V & the next day~

I walk through the door quietly and silence fills my ears.

"Mom" I call out. Nothing. "MOM!"

"Yes honey...?" I hear and see mom walk in tired as ever.

"Mom I'm there something wrong?" I ask. She sits down and rubs her head.

"Nothing okay?"

"You know ever since he came back you've been acting like this" I say staring right into her eyes.

"Everything isn't his fault" She says. I slam my hand on the table hard mom flinches.

"This is all his fault..." I say calmly. "You were doing better once you got out that damn room and who got you out? Certainly not him. Now you're starting this all over again."

"I love him (Y/n)-" I can't hear this.

"Mom stop! You are not a child anymore...this isn't love! I don't know what is love but I sure as hell this isn't what it is or suppose to be" I say. "I can't bear to see you go back into that door and never see you again."

Mom looks at me her bags visible from a mile away. Her eyes glisten with tears. My face twists in confusion.

"I'm really sorry (Y/n) but we're moving" Mom says wiping her tears away. She faces me her face now blank.

"What...?" I manage out as my heart slows down.

"I didn't know how to tell you but we're moving to America to start...a new life."

I back away my face now holding an expression of shock. Anger boils inside mixed in with confusion and shock.

"You're kidding me..." My voice cracks. Mom looks away and my hands ball into fists. "Bullshit!"

I let out the tears an remain silent glaring at mom.

"It'll be good for us you'll see" Mom says. "We're leaving tomorrow."

"I'm not going!" I yell. "I'm staying here!"

"That is not your decision to make! You're going whether you like it or not!" Mom says firmly, "Can't you see I'm trying here?!"

"Trying? TRYING?!" I yell now furious. "You call this trying?! This is bullshit! I'm going out!"

I stomp away outside the sunset shining beautifully between the pink and orange clouds. Tears roll down my cheeks and I sniff. How am I going to tell Marinette? Ayla? Nathanael? Adrien?! No I don't want to leave! I walk myself to Adrien's house thinking how I should break the news to him. I keep my eyes on the floor until I bump into someone.

"Sorry" I mutter and look up to see Adrien.

"(Y/n)...what's wrong?" He asks examining my red eyes. I look away at the people walking the street.

"Let's not talk here..." I say.

"Okay let's go to my house I was on my way to see you anyway" Adrien says wiping my tears away. I nod and we walk to his house my heart pounding.


"So what is it?" Adrien asks. I stay silent for a bit before opening my mouth.

"I'm America in a few days" I say then I pause, "Mom says that it's the opportunity to make us a good family again."

My eyes stay glued to the ground and I watch the tears drop onto the wooden floor.

"It does sound like a good choice" I hear him say. My mind stops and I look up confused.

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