Chapter 2

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Before I start I just want to say I may not always go by episodes or if do they might not be in order okay? Enjoy~


~Adrien's P.O.V~

That girl is still on my mind. I've heard her name before but where?

"Adrien come on!" Nino says dragging me out of my room.

"I know, I know" I huff.

"I heard there's a new girl in our class" Nino says. "What's her name?"

"Huh? I forgot her name, she sat next to me when you were absent but I didn't really get to see her face properly or...uh her name" I say sheepishly.

"Wow what a gentlemen you are" Nino says sarcastically. I punch his arm playfully.

"Shut up, I was making up late work" I say. I did think it was a bit rude though.

"Come on, we're early so we can talk" Nino says.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

"Mika, who do you think Chat Noir is?" I ask my cat. He only stares at me then he gets distracted by something else.

If only he could talk. Mika does look like Chat Noir but his eyes are blue. Obviously, he doesn't have blonde hair like Chat Noir. I keep thinking of Chat Noir. Wait what time is it? I check my clock.

"It's early" I say. Well I have nothing to do, might as well go early. I put on a (f/c) and white plaid shirt and black jeans. I look in the mirror. Nice. I grab my stuff and hug my cat.

"Bye Mika!" I shout and rush out. My eyes look around as I walk to school. I wonder if Ayla or Marinette go early. I hope they do. I do not want to see Chloe. I keep walking and take notes of places I want to go draw at.

"There are a lot of pretty sights" I mutter. Back in my old school, I barely had anytime to draw because of all my homework. But now I have a lot of free time. I stroll up the stairs and enter the class. Only two people. Adrien and another boy who's sitting in my seat.

"Ah...excuse me" I say quietly. They ignore me and keep talking. Then I notice another person in the back. Suddenly my whole mood changes.

"Nathanael!" I shout. He looks up startled and smiles.

"(Y/n)!" He says. My eyes flicker to Adrien's shocked face but I ignore it. I turn to Nathanael and run to him.

"Hey Nathanael, I didn't see you there" I say.

"I didn't see you either, (Y/n)" He says and smiles at me.

"Hey, I'm Nino" I hear. I turn and see the boy. I smile at him.

"Hi I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you" I say and shake his hand. I look at Adrien who is still looking at me. I wave at him and he turns away. Rude. Nino sits with us at the back for a bit. Then some students come in. A girl with pink pigtails comes up with me.

"Excuse me, you're in my seat" She says politely. I abruptly stand up.

"Ah sorry" I say. But Nino is in my seat.

"Nino, didn't (Y/n) sit there?" I hear. I look over to see Ayla talking to Nino.

"Eh? She did? But this is my..." Nino clears his throat.

I walk over there quickly.

"No it's okay, it was your seat anyways" I say sheepishly but Ayla shakes her head.

"It's okay, Nino can sit with me since Marinette is late" She says smiling. Marinette is late? Nino walks to Marinette's seat and I go sit next to Adrien. But after an argument with that dumb blonde and the teacher, Ayla is sent to the Headmaster.

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