Chapter 8

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Felix was in disguised at a pizza parlor. "Cue (y/n)." He said in a microphone. You walked in walking towards Antonio, Gilbert, and Lovino. Trying to be friends.

"High five." You said while walking in. As everyone just ignores you. "Nice." You said forgetting them. Loving, Antonio, and Gilbert. Sat at a booth. "Oh no." Lovino said seeing you. Gilbert and Antonio saw you coming towards them and look down hoping you wouldn't see them. "Don't look at him, he'll probably Leave. And make the both look small." Gilbert said as they did. "What's up?" You ask them. "Sup?" They said.

"Go, elizabeta." Felix said to his friend. As Elizabeta walked out wearing a summer dress. "Arthur!" She said hugging you. "Hey, Lizzie." You said giving her a nackname. "How you doin, girl?" You ask. "Not okay without you." She said playfully. "I know. New school. Stuff happens." You said. The three guys looks extremely confused at the situation. "I haven't gotten you out of my head. I just miss being with you." She said sadly. "Cool." You casually said. "Okay, did she just say that to Arthur?!" Gilbert ask confused and shocked. "What the hell just-a happen?" Lovino ask. Elizabeta hugged you making the plan work.

"Big smile, act like you are a girl in love." Felix explained from the microphone. "Say farewell, but act playful, girl." He said. "It was nuce to see you again, Arthur." She said sadly but playfully. She kissed your cheek, sisterly. But to the guys thought you two had something.

She turned around walking away happily. "Me and her had a history." You explained to the three. "Thank you Elizabeta, you rock. Go Katyusha." Felix said.

"Women." You said to the three. "Yeah." They all agreed, still trying to think what happen. Wearing as Katyusha walked into the room white jeans a blue blouse. "Arthur?!" She ask happily walking towards you. "It's you." She said hugging you. "Okay, now who is she?!" Lovino ask confused. "I missed you so much at Cornwall. I mean the school lost the best guy there." She said acting sad. "Well, you know." You said. "It's time to move on, we had good times." You said. "I know, Arthur." She said. As she put  your arm around her shoulders to make the act more believable. "I guess. I wasn't women enough?" She ask sadly. "No." You said. Gilbert, Antonio, and Lovino were extremely shocked of what was going on. "I guess, I can't do anything about it." Katyusha said. "Sorry. it's time to move on Katy." You said to her. "It just breaks my heart." She said sadly. "It's ok. We can still be friends." You said. She hugged you tightly unexpectedly giving too much drama. "I'll never forget you,
Arthur." She said walking away quickly.

Once she left the room she high five Elizabeta for giving a great show.

"Needy." You said to the guys. As you walked away. "Ok?" Lovino said still shocked. "Hey there, girl!" Gilbert said flirty to the girl. As it was really Erika. "Ew! What. Really?!" She ask acting stuck up. "What are you hitting on me?!" She ask angrily. "Eh, actually I was trying to start up a conver-!" Gilbert was interrupted by her rude behavior. "Look! I'm gonna make a stop to this?!" She stated. As Lovino was laughing at Gilbert's situation. "Girls with a body like this!" She said talking about herself. "Don't go for guys, with faces like yours." She stated angrily. Gilbert took a step back with her rude behavior. As Lovino was trying his hardest not to laugh at the epic flirting fail.

"I'm looking for my boyfriend, Arthur Kirkland. You seen him?" She ask the group of three. Lovino looked annoyed. "Another ragazza is looking for him." He stated angrily. "That way, chica." Antonio said pointing at your. You were looking at the music request. "Arthur?" She ask looking your way. Felix freaked out to see the girl. "Alert!" Felix said panicked. He stood up and walked towards you. "Mega diva, don't let her see your face! Or it's over!" Felix said running out of there. 'This can't be happening!' You thought.

She's the man (Romano X Crossdresser reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora