Without warning I whipped around and pounced on him, knocking him backwards into the slimy brick wall beside a rusty dumpster. Immediately he tried to pull me, to slam his fists into me to free my hold but it was fruitless. His biggest mistake began with following me...that is until he threw his head back to growl and scream.


My fangs sank deep into his throat cutting him short of a plea that could bring my meal to an abrupt end. The flood of liquid into my mouth coats my tongue bringing forth purrs and sighs of pleasure. Fuck! It's like having water after minutes..hours..days of heat and extreme thirst. I can't seem to get enough. I can hear his heart going from a rapid beat to slow and barely there. His attempts to get me away from him cease, his hands fall to his sides.

The delicious tang of his blood fades with the ending of his heartbeat and before I'm ready, I pull away wiping the last drops away from my mouth. Staring down at his body the reality of what I've just done sets in. I killed him. I killed a man!

In a frantic daze I fell off of him onto my flatten palms. I can't take my eyes off the body at my feet now but here I am once again, feeling the pit of my stomach rumble and the need to feed setting in. Pushing up off the ground, I looked down at the man once more before taking off down the opposite end of the alley. Once at the end, I stopped, looking both ways not knowing where to go. '

On top of my fear, I'm suddenly on a high that has me feeling like I'm floating and more alive than I have ever been. I can see the gleam of each star aligning the sky, the slight glowing ring around the moon, and the deep craters in it. I can hear each and every tick and roar of car engines all around me and worse, the hearts of every person around me.

Hearts pumping the one thing I'm craving.

Oh my God this isn't happening! I'm torn. I want to rip into one of these hearts but I don't want to hurt anyone. For some unknown reason my head tilts back giving me a clear view of the moon like it will somehow give me answers. Where do I go? What do I do? Walking down this street with blood on my face and hands is sure to gain me unwanted attention but I can't make sense of things long enough to figure out what to do.

A searing pain shoots through my head nearly bringing me to my knees. In the back of my mind I'm hearing my name being called. The moment the pain let up I stood up only to stumble a few steps into the street, shoving my hands into my hair as the pain soars through me again with my name following. A car horn sounds, white hot beaming lights fall upon me, stopping just short of hitting me.

The dark figure that jumped out ran toward me leaving the door wide open. I tried to see his face over the light yet all I could make out was the messy blonde locks falling into his face while he brought me to my feet and walked me toward the awaiting truck. Had I not been weakened, crippled by whatever is causing a thunderstorm over my brain, I would have fought him rather than allowing myself to be lifted and pushed across the back seat. The door closed behind me then seconds later another door slammed harshly. The throbbing of my head with my name echoing in the background sounds off once more as the pangs in my belly grows.

"Please," huffed out through my lips, "what's...happening?" Through my partially closed lids I could see the blonde glancing back at me every now and then but the familiarity of his face meant nothing at the time. "Make...it stop! So hungry!"

The car turned making a hard right sending me across the seat before it came to an abrupt stop. I heard the door open again finally finding the strength to pry my lids apart as he pulled me into a sitting position by my arms. His grip was strong, tight, but gentle at the same time and the same could be said for his eyes. Though in pain, blinded by it so much that I can barely focus, I could see that much.

Infatuated (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now