Chapter 21

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Brad's POV:

"Who- who's Zayn," he asked with the least bit of sense that it was him. My heart fell through the floor of the hospital. I could feel the tears pushing up and over my eyes. Please not this... Not now after all we've been through....

"Gotcha...." he smiled brightly as he pulled me into his arms... "How could I forget my baby?" he kissed my neck. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"You're an asshole Zayn Malik..." I laughed as the tears still mindlessly fell from my eyes.

"I had too.... It was the typical movie beginning," he smiled at me, "Now we just need that fairy tale ending." We spent the afternoon in and out of each other's arms because of the doctors wanting to run tests on him to make sure he was a hundred percent healthy like before. When he was breathing for the doctor, I caught the hem of his shirt ride up and exposed his stomach. I still feel like it was the first time I'd seen him. He caught me staring and smiled at me.

As we left the hospital, Zayn and I was tightly embraced, not giving cares that people were watching. I felt like my stomach was going to explode with excitement; some good and some nervous. Photographers flashed their cameras as we openly shared tiny kisses with each other. I could feel myself coming back to normal finally.....

Kaitlin's POV:

I woke up feeling empty. I rubbed my eyes and noticed I was still at Brad and Zayn's flat. I got up quickly and made my way to the door to sneak out. I slid cautiously along the wall, eyeing my every corner to see if anyone was there. Empty. I shrugged it off and went to pull the door open to leave...

"AHH!!" I yelled.

"AHH!!" Zayn's voice boomed in the hall.

"Kaitlin," Brad pushed through, "Where on Earth are you heading to?"

"I was just, umm, leaving," I fumbled. He shook his head.

"You need rest and some place nice to stay. With Danny on the streets, you're not really safe alone," he reassured me. I listened to him and dropped my coat and made way into the living room.

"Are you hungry?" Zayn asked me. I shook my head "No" because I still haven't fully met them and was nervous to be hell. I'm not sure how they feel about me now either.

"Better make room because we ordered pizza and Paul will be bringing it to us in ten minutes," Louis said as he grabbed Harry's hand and led him to the kitchen as Niall and Liam followed. Now it's Brad, Zayn, and I alone.

"Listen, Kaitlin, we're all sorry to hear about the baby. No one deserves that, not even what they may have done in the past," Zayn said as he hugged me.

"I've already told the boy's everything and we all agreed to let you stay with us until we can find you a better place that Danny knows nothing about..." Brad smiled at me. I know how everyone feels about me; I'm better off dead.....

"I really appreciate that..." I nodded towards them. Though, I had already made plans of my own.....

Brad's POV:

Zayn and I left later that evening, a date I guess we could call it. We strolled hand in hand through the park and got ice cream while we were there too. Zayn had made dinner reservations at one of the restaurants here in town and didn't want me spoiling my appetite before we got the chance to eat. I could honestly say, the almost two months we had now been together was amazing.

We had walked a little ways through the park when I could see Zayn perk up a bit. I knew something was up, I just didn't know what. My eyes began following where his were going. They kept shooting off into the near distance close to the fountain. It didn't take me long to realize from the pink hair... Perrie....

You Only Want Me Cause I'm Taken.....(BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015 #LGBTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora