Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

We gave up on trying to rouse Zayn from his room and decided to slip downstairs. We all had gathered in the lounge and sat down, Louis in my lap and with Niall to our right on the sofa. It was early in the afternoon and we were sure something would spark our interests on TV. Liam was still upstairs with Brad talking. Louis got up and headed off into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. I was laughing as Niall was goofing off with a bag of candy he had retrieved from the cabinet. He was throwing the pieces into the air and attempting to catch them in his mouth, which was failing miserably. We had switched over to a popular chat show on the tube while we waited for Liam.

"And another conversation that has the Internet buzzed with questions is from a recent One Direction interview," the lady on the show said. I dropped the remote I had holding in my hand.

"Lou," I called to him in the kitchen.

"Yes Hazza?" I stood there silently as he called back. I could hear him walking towards me. "Yes Haz?" he said sweetly. I just uttered sounds and then pointed to the screen in horror.

"You guys will not believe what I just heard." Liam called from the hall. Louis turned to him, tears pouring from his eyes. You couldn't miss the bold letters.


"Oh my God," I finally sputtered. I grabbed Lou and pulled him close to me.

"We're done, aren't we Hazza?" he cried. I just pushed his head to my shoulder, his nose nuzzling my neck.

"Never boo bear," I spoke, brushing his hair back. We stood there for what seemed like forever when the phone began ringing. Our phones were buzzing with notifications. Liam went over to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" his face was strong, but it quickly faded as the conversation went on, "Uh-huh. Yeah, we can. Okay, see you in a little bit. Bye"

"Is everything alright?" Niall asked.

"We have a meeting with management at five today. They have things they want to discuss." Louis sobbed even more.

"Boo bear, everything will be fine. I'm not losing you," I said, trying to clear his head of the doubt. I meant every word I had said. I would not lose him. It was just after three at the moment. I was not sure how this would turn out, but no matter what, I would have Louis by my side. We all knew we had to get ready to go meet with management. It was going to be a long day ahead. I couldn't tell if Lou was upset with me or the media more. I really regret the interview the other day. He pulled away and trudged upstairs and slammed our door shut. I felt Liam's hand take hold of my shoulder and tighten to relax me. I took a deep breath and followed the way up to our room.

Zayn's POV:

I had no recollection of falling asleep, other than the fact I woke up to Liam shaking me and telling me I had to wake up because we had a meeting. Niall was standing in the room with him, throwing clothes at me and telling me to get dressed quickly. 

"What and the bloody hell has everyone excited today?" I asked bitterly.

"Management wants to have a meeting with us," Liam said quickly.

"But the tour isn't until two more weeks," I shouted back.

"It has nothing to do with the tour Zayn. It's about Harry and Louis. People know," he trailed off. I could feel the redness burn my cheeks.

"How did they find out?"

"I'm guessing not everyone held up to their words when we told them not to use the tapes from the interview," Liam shot back. Everyone was obviously upset. I got out of bed and slipped into the clothes that Niall had tossed at me. I didn't even care that I was hungry, I just clambered out of the house and into the car that was waiting for us. I had no idea if anyone had told Brad that we were leaving, so I left a note just in case on the kitchen counter before we went outside. We all got into the car quietly and stayed liked that for the remainder of the trip. Lou was still puffy eyed from crying I could tell. Harry never left his side, nor took his hand out from Lou's either. Harry was a stronger person than Lou was. Not that Lou wasn't strong, he just sometimes let the unknown allow itself to haunt him until he knows anything for certain. I felt incredibly bad for saying what I did to Brad, but it's not like I wanted to say it on purpose and hurt him. I wished that I hadn't met them at the dinner because now Brad thinks I'm in love with his boyfriend. I had my phone out, ready to hit send on my message saying sorry about what I had said.....

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