Advice For High School

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Hey guys! I know some of you are going into your first year of high school and may be seeking adice from your elders or idols. I'm going to give you my personal advice, as I have officially survived freshman year. Don't go to old people for advice, because times sure as hell have changed. They can tell you basic stuff, but doesn't listen to everything they say.

To clear things up, first of all, it's actually not that hellish. A lot of the time, it's bad because you have a bad teacher. I had a bitchy teacher and a teacher that couldn't teacher, so that part kind of sucked balls. The only part that might scar you (if you're a good kid and avoid the things you should be avoiding) is health class, or the drama that goes along with high school, or both.

Academically speaking, freshman year is by far the easiest (except for maybe senior year, depending on the class you have). It's probably the lightest work load you'll have for the next four years, so enjoy the easiness of it. Write down your homework, and don't procrastinate– do it ASAP!!! You might forget, and some teachers grade harshly or won't accept missing assignments– it can really hurt your grade. Study for tests and quizzes as soon as you find out about them. If you need a tutor or a study partner, find one ASAP. Same goes for finals, except that if you know the approximation of the time of when finals will be, study about a month in advance. It takes a lot of stress off your shoulders. If you do this, your grades (unless you're academically challenged, and if you are, please get help [don't be shy about it]– I want you to succeed). Keep in mind that I'm not kidding when I say colleges DO NOT overlook freshman year. Also, it's your foundation for new habits, etc, etc, so develop good ones.

     Socially, it can be kind of difficult. Some people stay with their friend groups, while others break away. Some mix friend groups or have multiple ones. Id you want to make a new friend, start off by introducing yourself with your name, age, and grade. Then try to find out what you have in common. Seriously, THIS WORKS!!! I tested it, lawlz. I made a shit ton of friends based off our music taste.

     Don't give into peer pressure about parties, drugs, alcohol, or sex. Lose your virginity to your life partner, not some worthless fuck. Also, you a) don't want an STD, that's it's own shitload of problems right there, b) a baby, which, if kept, will take over your life, and/or c) your reputation destroyed. Freshman parties are stupid af, and the police almost ALWAYS show up. Drugs and alcohol and smoking can really destroy your life, so just stay away entirely from both those things themselves as well as people who do that on a regular basis. Don't even expirement. For some people, it's almost too easy to get hooked just from one try.

    Another thing? It's near impossible to avoid drama. If there's drama because your friend is going through drama, help them as best you can, but don't get too involved, unless they're struggling with something serious, like rape or addication or abuse or serious depression or suicide or something like that. Then get adults involved, because that's serious, and even if you have nothing to do with it, if you have a conscience, you just might feel guilty you kept your mouth shut.

     Freshman boys are annoying as hell. So are a lot of the girls, as well nearly everyone else. A bunch of ya'll are still stupid and immature. Don't be that person.

     Don't date freshman year. It's a pathetic joke. You can certainly go to a dance with someone, but still. Just... don't date. And don't be disappointed if you don't get your first kiss. You've still got the rest of your life.

     This may be the year where you find yourself. You could discover something new, whether it be a new hobby or something LGBTQIAP+ ish. Don't be afriad to talk to someone about it. I'm always here :)

     So, these are the basics. For everyone person in every school, there's a whole extra set of rules, but thise are for you to discover. Just remember to study, try to avoid drama, take academics seriously, and be involed in new things (NOT SEX OR DRUGS AND ALCOHOL OR SMOKING. JESUS CHRIST GUYS IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU COOL). Have fun! I'm always here to talk, so PM me!


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