Take Care & Talk

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Suho's POV

I was waiting in front of Byul's house. I want to meet her after the incident last night. I was curious about the man yesterday. I knocked her front door. The door still didn't open after 5 minutes. I knocked again and still didn't get response from Byul. Should I went in? But it would be inappropriate if I barged in to someone's house. I tried to turned the door knob. It didn't locked. Aish this girl, what if a thief come and do something dangerous to her.

"Excuse me" I said but I didn't see anything beside a dark room. I grabbed my phone and tried to call Byul's phone. A few ringing could be heard from the second floor. I went there and peek inside the room. I saw Byul sleeping on her bed. I walked closer to her. Seriously, if someone saw me here, they must thought me as a bad person. I reached her bed and admire how beautiful she is even in her sleep. I reached my hand to brushed her hair away from her eyes. Until I realized something, her forehead is hot. She is burning

I went to bathroom to got a towel and some water to cool her down. I sat beside her bed and kept changing her towel. Was she sick because she waiting for Sehun everynight? It made me guilty. Was our plan too hard for her?

After a few hours her temperature was cooled down. I went down to her kitchen and cooked chicken soup for her. Seriously, I only found some ramen on her cupboard. But, lucky for me that I still manage to got some soup ingredients in her refrigerator. This girl didn't take care of herself well

After I done with cooking. I place the soup on a tray and brought it to her room. I shook her body softly and woke her up

"Byul, wake up. You must eat" I said softly and she awake

"Suho? How can-"

"I will explain why I'm here but after you eat, okay?" I cut her off and she just nodded her head like a little child. Oh, so cute. Finally she finished her soup

"So?" she asked me while I placed the tray on the small table beside her bed

"So I was here to meet you. I knock your door but you didn't aswer it. So, I went in and found you burning on your bed. So, yeah, like that" I explain the story to her

"When you back from China? You should call me thought"

"Why? You miss me?" I asked her playfully. Should I told her that I arrived a few days ago and stalked her? No, no maybe I would scare her. She just rolled her eyes to me

"Byul, I think I should go home now. It's getting late now"

"Hmm, thank you Suho" She said and smiled at me. That made my heart beating so fast.

"No problem. Take care okay" I said to her and returned her smile

Byul's POV

Oh my God. His smile is... He smiled and that made me blush and my heart beating so fast. Am I falling in love with him? I thought. I laid down on my bed again and giggled like a school girl that falling in love. But, I'm falling in love?

Suho's POV

-At night-

I was waiting in front of Sehun's dance studio. I texted Byul that she couldn't go anywhere and should stayed on her house until she recovered. She gave me a lot of but, but I still didn't allow her. I was smiling like idiot when thinking about her cuteness, until the door was being opened. I straightened myself and saw Sehun there

"Didn't I tell you th- Hyung?" Sehun asked surprised that he found me instead of Byul

"Can we talk?" I asked him and he nodded. We went inside a café, the café where I bought the hot choco for Byul

"So, what do you want to talk about hyung?"

"I want to talk about us. About EXO. You know Byul right? I'm here because she is sick now because waiting everynight for you. Sehun-ah can you put your stubbornness aside and be with us again? Not only for Byul, not for me but also for EXO"

"Hyung I'm afraid!"

"Afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid that you guys will leave again. I always think that we're brothers but they leave, everyone leaving. I'm afraid of that!" Sehun said

"Don't worry Sehun-ah I promise that I won't allow them to leaving again. So don't be afraid okay?"

"Ne, Hyung" Sehun said and that made me smile


A/N : Finally, I can update again. I'm sorry I couldn't update this past few weeks because I had exams and I lost my mood so sudden. Oh, and to all muslims, I just wanna say Happy Fasting, I'm muslim too, okay. See you next chapter ~

P.S : About EXO's come back, I can't say anything. The make me speechless. I love Monster very much and Lucky One too

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