Eh!? Friend!

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Byul's POV

Today is the start of summer holiday. I was stretching my body when suddenly I heard my door bell ringing. I went to the door and opened it. My eyes widened at the guests

"Good Morning Byul!" I saw Suho and the boys there

"Annyeong Byul!" Xiumin said

"Hello noona!" Kai said

There were 12 of them. To my surprise that even Sehun was there. He just looked away when I looked at him. I let them in and told them to sat on the couch in living room while I changed to something because I still in my pajama. I went to them again

"Hello, I'm sorry I just woke up so bear with me"

"Don't worry, we're sorry too because we come here so early" Suho said and smiled at me. Then it hit me when I didn't give them drink or anything. I excused myself to kitchen. Suho said it's alright but I insist so he finally let me go. I went to kitchen and took some cola from my refrigerator. I took 13 can of it and about to brought it there but because my small hands, I couldn't bring them together. I was struggling until a pair of hand helped me. I looked up and saw Sehun there

"Sehun?" I asked still didn't believe that this kid helped me

"I'm sorry for being stubborn" he said still not looking at my eyes and took a few can of cola

"Don't worry. I understand that" I said to him while patting his shoulder. I smiled at him and he smiled back

"So, friends?" I asked him

"Sure" he said as we walked back to the living room where the other members were

We talked a lot about EXO and myself. I also get to know Luhan, Kris and Tao. They're so friendly to me

"Ah, BTW, how about our next plan?" I heard Baekhyun asked

"Right! What will we do after this?" Chanyeol asked

"How about tomorrow we meet again to talked about your comeback guys?" I said

"Sure, I miss singing and dancing on the stage" Kai said

"Okay, so how about we come here again tomorrow, Byul?" Suho asked

"Sure, I'm okay with it"

"Okay then, we will see you tomorrow!" Kris said and the EXO's members stood up. I walked them outside and bid them goodbye


A/N : A new chapter updated. Oh, BTW I just wanna tell you that this story will finish in about 10 chapters. I will finish this story before 4 or 5 July if I can. See you next chapter ~

We Are One (EXO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora