Found Her, Make Her Mine

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Byul's POV

          "Byul!" I heard someone shouted my name. The voice was very familiar to me, that's his voice. I quicken my steps tried to run away from him

           "Wait, Byul" I heard the footstep behind me become quicker and louder and that means that he is running after me. The rain drops started to pouring down. What a great time to raining. I didn't brought umbrella too

           "Ahhh" My body landed on the ground, why must this happened now. I felt shadow above me, I didn't dare to look up because I know whose shadow is it

           "Byul, are you okay?" Suho asked while crouched down beside me, checking me if I hurt somewhere

           "Leave me alone" I said and moved away from him, getting the grocery that I dropped

           "Byul how are you? Why you suddenly move out? Where were you?" Suho asked me

           "It's none of your business" I said and tried to get up but ended up falling again

           "Byul, you're hurt" He said and helped me. He crouched down again and turn his back to me

           "Come here, I will piggy back you" he said but I just ignored him, I'm sorry Suho. I grabbed the wall to support me.

           "Come on Byul don't be stubborn" I heard Suho said as he grabbed my wrist. But I yanked his hand away

           "Why are you like this Byul? Am I doing something wrong?" Suho asked slowly. I just stand in front of him and looked down crying. Fortunately it was rain so he wouldn't know that I was crying

           "Do you want to know why? I'm tired, I'm tired of taking care all of you" I lied to him

           "What? Did you tired taking care of EXO? Am I burden to you?" Suho asked to me. No


          "No!" I was about to said yes but someone cut me off. I looked behind me and found Taeyong there. With Jinah. Omo, don't tell me he would said the truth to Suho. I looked at Jinah that had the confussed face on and then to Taeyong with my wide eyes. I shook my head telling him to not said the truth to Suho


Taeyong's POV

           "No!" I said to Suho hyung

           "Please stop this now Byul" I said to Byul

           "What do you mean?" Suho hyung asked me with serious face

           "Byul's leaving because of this person" I said and pointed at Jinah

           "What do you mean Taeyong? I didn't do anything" Jinah said with tried-to-be-innocent voice

           "You made Byul left. Because of your contract. So, Suho hyung this person beside me made deal with Byul. She will become our main sponsor if Byul left EXO" I said

           "What?" Suho asked in disbelief

           "No, Suho it is not like thi-"

           " Why did you do that? Do you know how important Byul to me?" Jinah tried to spoke up but Suho cut her

           "Fine! I did that to her because I'm EXO fan too. I want you to be mine!" Jinah shouted back to Suho

           "Go away from us now!" Suho said to her

           "Sure, I will go away. But I will cut the sponsorship for EXO and take Byul's house. No, my house and fired Byul"

           "Fine, do what you want as long as Byul is here" Suho said and then Jinah walked away and I thought it was the time they made up so I slipped away from the scene. Suho hyung must thank me later. I patted Hyung's shoulder wishing him good luck

Suho's POV

           "Byul" I spoke softly. Byul just looked down to the ground, didn't know what to said

           "Look at me Byul" I said again and she looked at me

           "Why did you do that Byul? Don't you want to be with EXO? Don't you want to be with me?"

           "I'm sorry Suho, I thought that was the best idea for EXO. I want to you guys be happy"

           "You want us to be happy, but what about your happiness?"

           "Don't worry, I'm happy as long as you guys happy" she said and smiled at me

           "Okay. Oh, Byul do you remember when I said I want to say something to you at the first concert?"

           "Oh, yes. What do you want to say?"

           "I Love you" I said to her

           "What!?" she asked disbelief

           "I. Love. You. Byul"

           "You love me?"


           "But, you're an idol. I'm just an ordinary kindergarten teacher"

           "So what? It isn't like I work for company anymore. So, 'no dating' rules is not valid anymore"

           "What about your fans?"

           "I'm sure they will be happy because I love the girl that make their idol become one again. So, Byul, Do you want to be my girl?" I asked her

           "Yes, Suho. I will be your girl"

           "You're mine" I said and kissed her. After a few minutes or so I broke the kissed to breath again. I smiled at her and she smiled back. She's mine now

           "So, how about we go to your house to dry ourself and start packing?" I said to her

           "What packing?"

           "You'll move in to my apartment honey ~"


           "No but. Let's go" I said and she stomped her feet walking ahead from me. I walked to her and put my arm around her shoulder while my other hand poking her side making she laugh

           So, once again, She is mine!


A/N : I won't say anything today. So, see you next chapter

P.S : I don't know if the song fit this chapter but I was writing this chapter while listened to this song and I think it's good

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