Flashback (#1)

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It was the night before my first day of teaching art subject at one of the prestigious schools in South Shields. I haven't been here since I left 4 years ago with my mum to pursue my dream of becoming a solo artist in America but after sending and applying to hundreds of entertainment company or Music Academy, I didn't get through. I'm sitting here on my bed preparing my things for tomorrow when I realize I didn't have any pens that I could use for tomorrow

"Shit! Mum!"I yelled and run towards her room where I find her reading some books while sitting on her bed too, she smiles at me and motion for me to sit

"What is it dear?"she asked me

"Do you have any pens here? I forgot to buy one and I don't think it's a good idea to go to school tomorrow without one.."I pout my lips at her hoping that she kept one in her drawer

"You know that I don't use pens these days, Jadey. I did remind you earlier today to double check your things.."I sigh though I already know she's not using pens these days but hey that's why there's a word called HOPE right, I'm just hoping

"I know mum. Well better run to the store before they closes.."I said and stands up, lean down a little and kiss my mum on her head

"I'll go with you, it's already dark outside and I don't want you to go alone."I saw her getting up from her bed but I stopped her

"It's okay mum, it's just a couple of blocks from here. I can take care of myself.."

"No Jade, I'm coming with you.."

"But mom, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl now. Why don't you just read and rest, I'll be back before you know that I'm gone.."I smiled at her and pulls her blanket up towards her chest

"Okay but be careful, you can use your brother's bike so you can go back as soon as possible.."I nod my head twice before I leave my mother's room, grab some money on my table and went downstairs. As what my mum said, I used my brother's bike and head on to the store. Some stores closes at 9 others at 10 and it's already 9:45, I saw Mr. Cooper closing his store

"Aww I'm too late!"I whined and Mr. Cooper heard me

"Good evening Jadey, anything I can do for you?" he asked

"Good evening Mr. Cooper, I'm just planning to buy some pens but I can see that you are already closed.."

"Sorry sweetie, I'm running late for our family get together, I would really love to help you.."he smiles at me and I smiled at him, he's one of the nicest store owners in our block

"It's okay Mr. Cooper.."I answered

"Why don't you check Mrs. Guidaben's store, I bet they are still open. Hurry up missy before you missed it.."he said, I wave a my hand at him and ride my bike again. Mrs. Guidaben's store is 2 street away from our house but at this time I really need to buy some pens. After minutes of biking, I reached the store and saw Johnny closing the door

"Johnny! Wait!"I said and drop my bike on the ground and rush towards him, I saw him giggle and shook his head, he's the same age as my brother and one of his best pals in town

"Lucky for you I haven't lock the door yet.." He said while he opens the door and lights again, I grin and run inside where the pens are

"Here you go.."I said to him but he didn't take my money

"Keep it, think of it as my present for you on your new job. Goodluck tomorrow.."I smiled as I mouthed thank you to him, I ride my bike again as I glance at my watch, mum's might be worried what taking me so long, I go as fast as I can but in the middle of nowhere, the chains on my bike snap, I stop on the side of the road and found out that I'm 1 street away from home

"Damn it! Well there's nothing I can do but to drag this thing on my way home.."I can't just leave it here, Karl will kill me, so there i was humming any songs I know to calm down my senses, I'm a bit scared when I felt someone or something is following me, I didn't bother to look behind me but as It got nearer, I can feel my heart starts to beats faster than it should

A few steps more Jade, you can do it, I said to myself, when I saw the intersection, I look behind me and saw two men walking towards me, I immediately turn to my right so I'm on our street again when I bumped at someone causing for me to stumble backwards but that someone grab my wrist and pulls me, I look up and saw a pair of blue eyes looking back at me, I can't see her entire face because of the hood she's wearing and it's kinda dark but her eyes shines bright like crystals, I was lost for a moment when I heard voices behind me

"This might be our lucky night.."a voice of a man said, I look behind me but then the person standing beside me took a step in front of me facing her back on me

"Are you guys following my girlfriend?" I heard a cold but lovely voice when she speaks

"If i were you, I won't do anything stupid if you don't want me to call some cops.."I look at her from head to toe though she's facing her back on me, she's a bit taller than I am, she's wearing a black hoodie, jeans and converse, I was checking her ass out that's why I didn't notice that she's talking to me

"Miss.."she called me and snap her fingers in front of my face

" You better start walking and go home, I'll take care of these guys.."I can't feel a hint of concern on her voice, just plain cold

"O-oh okay, thank you.."I answered, drag my bike and starts to walk away. I look back a couple of times and saw that the men following me run away from her but she didn't look back to see if I'm okay. Once I reached home, I saw my mother worriedly waiting for me outside

"Where have you been huh? I was so worried about you.."she said and hugs me, I told her everything but skip the part about the men and the girl who save me from danger. We went inside and lock the doors, she told me to go to bed because I need to be at school at 7. As I lay me down to bed, all I can think of is that pair of cold blue eyes looking at me

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