Time to go home

73 3 5

Sam’s pov

My body was numb. I sucked in a breath as my eyes slowly opened only to shut again due to dizziness. As soon as the room stopped spinning my eyes opened taking in my scenery. It looked like a plan mostly empty room. There was a closet but it was empty and there was a bathroom. The only thing in the room was a bed which I was laying on. I was still in my dress and there was wrap around the top of my arm. My brain raced for any memory of what happened last night. Memories came flooding back. The last think I remembered was being shoot in the arm then falling and hitting my head.

I rolled over onto my front and was about to get up when I noticed something. I was chained to the bed. My wrists were cuffed a chain hooked to a loop of metal on the bed. I looked around the room and saw several other metal loops. Even one on the ceiling.


“HEY CONNER IM AWAKE.” I screamed to let him know. Even if Conner knew I had the key he wasn’t going to find it. It was sewed into my dress seam.


“Sam.” Conner said simply as a greeting as he entered the room two guys fallowing behind him holding something’s in their hands.

“Are we feeling easy or stubborn this mourning.” Conner asked looking at the guy on his left who had a beard and pointed at the metal loop I was chained to.


“Always stubborn, it’s just who I am.” I said shrugging. Once the guy unlocked the chain from the loop I stood up not fighting. The guy knew what he was doing. Mr. beard man walked my over to the middle of the room. He started to reach upwards. That’s when I realized he was chaining me to the loop on the ceiling. He tied the chain to the metal loop and then went back over to his spot.


Conner nodded at the two men. The two men handed him the things then left the room leaving just me and Conner.


“I hate to do this Sam but I’m done. Just give me the key and I wont hurt you.” Conner said walking over to me holding out his hand. I swayed back and forward on my tippy toes because I was a little to short for the ceiling chain loop thingy so I was forced to stand on my tippy toes or dangle there.


“Don’t have it.” I said in a sing song voice. Conner shut his eyes and took a deep breath in and out.


“Tell me where it is then and ill let you go.” Conner said calmly. I shook my head ‘no’. He aggressively turned me around and I heard him take out a knife. His hand grabbed my bare shoulder holding me still. Soon I felt cold metal in-between me and my dress and I heard a loud ripping noise. Conner had just ripped my dress off of me. He saw my knife which I forgot about and took it. Soon I was left in just my bra and underwear. Conner tuned and opened the door and said something to one of the guys and he came in with another chain. He cuffed it to my legs and cuffed my legs to the floor the switched the chain that was used for my wrists to the ceiling with a shorter one so I was now hovering above the ground. There was a buzzing noise all of a sudden in my ear.


“Sam you there. We just fixed the remote to the ear thingys.” Said Paul.

“You are on speaker. We are tracking your location now.”


I was about to say something when I let out a loud piercing scream tears welling up in my eyes at the pain in my back where a whip just came in contact with my bare skin. It keep making contact with my back every chance it had making more painful each time. My cries loud at the pain warm liquid now flowing down my back. As soon as it stopped I came in contact to the floor. I turned to see Conner looking down at me a whip in his hands.

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