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Hearing that alarm go off seemed like the death of me. There were so many things I was willing to do at this point if it meant I didn't have to get up and go to school. My eyelids were heavy and still begged for a little more sleep but I knew it was now or never. One more minute would turn into five which would somehow like Disney magic turn to twenty minutes. I knew myself too well to fall into the cycle of pressing snooze on my alarm.

Moaning and groaning to myself I tossed and turned trying my best to navigate my phone that had gotten lost in the sheets. Feeling all around for something smooth I shot up not being able to keep my eyes closed and search for my phone at the same time with only my sense of touch. I don't know how blind people got out of situations like this, I gave up on trying to feel for my phone after two minutes.

Finally reaching my hand down on the floor I silenced the blood curdling sound of my alarm. Sighing I looked on Gigi to see there was yet another update of Niall, Liam, Blair, and I hanging out last night. It still struck me with curiosity with how people knew where I was all the time and that went for everyone relevant on the site. Who was the person taking pictures and catching us all the time? I swear we had all left a little past midnight and still someone had sent in photos of everyone leaving Liam's house. There were eyes everywhere.

Swinging my legs over the bed I shed off my clothing and opened up my bedroom to walk to the bathroom an inch away from my bedroom. Striding tiredly towards the bathroom Kayla came from the other side of the hall with a face of disgust. Not paying much attention to her contorted bitch face I went to open up the bathroom door.

"Maybe you should lay off the fruit roll ups K, you're looking thicker these days!" Kayla threw me another bitch face that I didn't pay mind to. Kayla always said things like this to me, her intent was to gain a rise but I didn't give her what she wanted most of the time.

"Maybe you should brush that sweater off your teeth, its getting fuzzier these days ." I fired back with a laugh as I closed the door to her shocked face. I always loved having the last word with Kayla, it was just another thing I took joy in.

Locking the door I stepped onto the cool tile and found myself checking out my face in the mirror. Groaning when I saw a small zit forming on my forehead and rolled my eyes, it was going to be one of those days.

"Siri?" I called in the echo producing bathroom to the iPad in the wall. "Play Throw Shade!" I smiled when she responded playing the song through the ceiling speakers that were all thought the house. Stepping into the grey marble walled shower I turn the handle to the facet and pulled the plug up to activate the shower.

Water fell from the shower head but in colors I didn't expect. Looking down on my arms and seeing the rainbow dripping down my skin I shook my head in confusion. The water seemed sticky as if it were clinging to my skin.

"What the hell?" I said audibly annoyed at whatever this was all over my body. I was completely sticky with my skin stained with the rainbow. Shutting off the water I got out and wrapped myself in a towel about to go and rip on Kayla.

Throwing the door open I felt my feet stick slightly to the carpet causing a ripping sound with every step I took. Going into her bedroom where she was texting on her bed waiting to go to school I walked up to her. Her face lighting up when she saw I was a rainbow mess, erupting into laughs the next minute.

"What the hell did you do to the shower?" I asked her annoyed that she was getting so much amusement from this. I looked as if the rainbow had thrown up all over me. The stickiness from the water making me more irritated by the second.

"I didn't do anything!" She cackled even harder seeing my annoyed expression as if I were feeding the fire.

"Kayla! I don't have time for this! I am now late for school, what the hell did you do to the shower?" I asked one more time hoping that she would fix whatever she did now that she succeeded in what she had set out to do.

"Kendall I swear I didn't do anything but, props to however did." Getting up off her bed she slung her backpack over she shoulder flipping her intricate braid to the side while also snapping a picture of me. "I gotta get going, Olivia's here." Kayla walked out of her bedroom with her hips moving from side to side as she walked.

Giving an irritated and over exaggerated sigh I stomped back to the bathroom and tried to run the water again only to see the water was still a waterfall of rainbow colors. Folding my arms over my chest I decided to turn off the water and find a different shower to get washed up in. I knew my parents by this time were already on their way to work so I would get ready in their bathroom. I was already late for school and at this point I didn't need the school calling my mother to tell her that.


Spotted: Kendall Ramsey walking into the school late but for reasons you wouldn't think. Walking into the school unannounced, K stopped to grab a shame pass before heading to class but you may be asking why Queen K was late and for that you no longer have to worry your pretty little mind. This can be explained in two words, Rainbow. Mess. Don't believe me? I have proof below, was this the working of H? It seems like poor little Queen K can't catch a break lately! The score reads H:1 K:1.

Yours Truly, Gigi

The phones went off as soon as I took my seat in 3rd period which I had with Blair. Reading the post under my desk I saw the picture Kayla had shot of me with boring before walking out to her friend who picked her up every morning. Groaning inwardly I put my head down from being utterly tried from the mornings events. Now looking at it all I should've known this was the work of Harry!

Hearing giggling among the classroom Mrs. Bradly looked about seeing the students on their phones showing each other the post from Gigi no doubt. Looking up at the teacher her phone began to buzz, I knew it was from her Gigi notification. Some of the teachers here at North High contributed to the site and would send in anonymous information to Gigi about our circle of friends. Seeing her read the post and try her best not to laugh herself at the entire thing I put my head down cursing Harry in my head.

"Class please quiet down and get you work done, it will be due at the end of class. Everyday it is late it will be 5% off the assignment." Mrs. Bradly intervened causing all her student to slowly turn their eyes to their work pages instead of me. Going back to her desk I snaked over to where Blair was sitting and sat in an open desk next to her.

"Carol is going to eat your hair if you don't get out of her desk." Blair said to me looking from her book the she saw I sat in the empty desk.

"She's in the bathroom, she won't notice I was sitting in her desk while she was gone." I rolled by eyes and swiped my hand to the side to convey it wasn't a big deal.

"Okay but don't come crying to me when she sucks your head clean of that famous Kendall hair!" I giggled at Blair talking about the girl Carol who sat on Blair's right. She had been weird even in elementary school, she was known of eating hair.

"How did Harry get into my house yesterday?" I asked Blair about his entry into my house. Had Kayla helped him out in the whole plan to get even with me?

"I have no clue but, he did have a big window of opportunity while we were gone last night at Liam's. What did he even do to make the water different colors?" Blair followed up to which I had no answer to.

"I have no clue but it was sticky!" I told her pushing my hair away from my face.

"Food coloring?" Blair shrugged but I shook my head knowing that food coloring wasn't at all sticky and was only there to color your food or other substances different colors.

"Food coloring isn't sticky, plus that would have stained my skin..." I thought a little more about it but came up empty handed with answers.

"Here comes Carol!" Blair's eyes widened while she giggled slightly looking over at me who began to move back to my own seat two rows away. Settling back into my seat I watched as the girl with the nappy black hair began to work on her sheet of paper. Pushing her ruby red headband back further on her head I glanced at Blair who held back a laugh at my facial expressions.

note// So little disclaimer my brother tried to pull this prank on me but I turn the shower on before I get in and I saw the water was green and blue so he failed and he used food coloring instead! Also are you a night person like Kendall or do you like mornings?

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