I find myself stranded, but...

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"Lucy left?"

My body practically shakes with disbelief as my panic increases. Seven pairs of eyes stare back at me, unsure how to react now. My panic must seem as a surprise to them, but they didn't overhear the conversation I heard. Lucy shouldn't be alone right now! She can't be!

Mira extends an arm and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Natsu, breathe. What's wrong? Do you know where Lucy went?"

"She left her phone and jacket here," Cana adds. "She seemed to be in a kind of rush, but didn't say anything. I thought she was going to deal with someone in the hotel, not go outside."

I shake my head, wrapped up in my thoughts. "No, no, she couldn't have done that. Nobody knows we're staying here..."

"Are you serious?" Gray asks, his eyebrows raising.

"I... I... I have to go find her. You guys stay here! AND DON'T LET THAT FLOWER DIE."

I turn in place and bolt out the door, just in time to hear Gajeel call, "wait, it's supposed to rain!!"

Screw the rain. Lucy's out there.


Once I'm outside, I try to steady my breathing. I don't know where she went, and I won't be much help if I have a panic attack. I didn't see her on my way back to the hotel, so she didn't go in the direction I went. The only other place I know are the docks, in the complete opposite direction. Maybe for some reason Lucy went back there. I look up at the dark sky and shrug my shoulders. It's the only thing I have to go on. Taking another big breath, I shoot off running in that direction, calling her name as I go.


My voice echoes in the still darkness, and I realized with a jolt that, while it may feel like it, I am not running through a deserted town. In an attempt to be more respectful, I tone down on the yelling. But only a little.

"And you have to tie the knot Lucy..."

"I'M SORRY DID YOU SAY LUCY??" I jump in front of the two people holding a conversation, a wild look in my eyes. The two kids stop walking to look at me. The little boy looks at me with a touch of fear, but the girl who was talking looks at me like I'm insane. They must be siblings walking home.

"Uhh, no I said 'loosely.' Are you okay?" The girl asks. My body deflates a little, and I feel the light in my eyes dim.

"Uh, sis?" The little boy tugs on her jacket. "Ma told us to not talk to strangers. Especially the crazy ones."

I lean in close to the little boy's face and raise an eyebrow. "Do I LOOK crazy to you?" He shrinks back and pleads with his eyes to his sister.

"Ok, we're leaving..."

"WAIT. Have you seen anyone pass by here? A blonde girl about this tall, really big breasts?" I add to my description with hand motions.

The girl tilts her head and rolls her eyes. "Actually, I did see a girl pass here. She looked like she was searching for something."

"Good luck, crazy man! Sis, what does this hand motion mean?" Her little brother copies my motion as she pulls him away, but I don't have time to worry about that.

The clouds must have collected and are covering the moon, because soon enough the little house lights and random street lamps aren't enough. I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight feature. Swinging the light around, I try calling her name again.

"Lucy! Luce, please answer me. If you're there, give me a sign!!"

I look up at the sky, waiting for Lucy to magically appear before me or call my name, but the only thing I hear is a loud crack of thunder. Gentle drops of rain hit my face, and I start to wonder how much rain Gajeel read in the forecast.

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