Beware of the football team.... Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Heaven kept walking fast to get to Seth. She looked back a few times with a determination look on her face. 

I wasn't walking very fast and I wasn't in a rush to get to Seth. With his bipolar ways, I try to stay away. Heaven stopped and turned around and glared at me. 

She looked straight into my eyes, "You need to walk faster." 

I gave her a snotty look and rolled my eyes. "I'm not in a rush to see him. I don't know why your in such a rush." 

"Don't question me Leona! Just listen to me for once," She whispered in a loud way. 

I shrugged back with her demanding tone, "Fine!" 

She turned and started walking again but more faster. I walked at her pace but still behind her. She was literally running, she could be in a marathon. 

That's a good idea… Fly back to america and enter her into the NYC marathon. Put some cash in my pocket. 

Seth's just gonna flip shit on me. He'll be all like, 'Imma gonna claim you and you aint gonna say anything cause I'm the most powerful wolf in the whole world.' Blah, blah, blah, I just could see him doing that. 

I'm gonna confront him and just explain that he will never claim me but we can be friends. I'm listening to Grandma because she knows the most about everything. If she tells me not to let him claim me, I won't let him. What if he goes all crazy wolf and like mates me? 


I looked around my surroundings.. Right in front of Seth's dorm… I looked hopelessly at Heaven. 

"Do we really have to do this," I asked her in a scared tone. 

She nodded her head. "Just be careful Leona.. His wolf might be unsafe," she paused and grabbed my hands. "Just whatever you do, don't try to say things that will piss him off. We don't need him to destroy this school, cause he's capable of doing that." 

I widened my eyes. "No pressure on me at all, so many things I have to do. Calm his wolf and make him happy. The only thing that will calm him is letting him mark me," I said in a gentle voice. "WHICH will I won't let him do it," I made it clear that I won't. 

"Just say your his," She said rephrasing my grandmas same words. 

"My grandma said that," I responded. We are still standing outside his door, could he hear us? He has that super sonic hearing. 

"ALright you need to go inside.. Tell Brett that I'm waiting in the hallway," HEaven said pushing me towards the door. 

I grabbed onto the handle and turned it. I paused there, I've been here so much. The same thing happens over and over, wouldn't that be just easier. Just get it down with so Seth can leave me alone. 

'Don't do that Leona, He will want to mate you. You'll be tied down to him for rest of your life," A voice in my said reminding me not to let him. 

"Leona, Open the door.." I heard Heavens voice behind me. I turned the knob and opened the door. I walked in and it smelt like Seth.. 

Could he smell me?

I walked towards the living room and the scent of Seth started to get stronger. I've never smelt this before it was like addicting.. I peeked my head into the room and looked back and forth. I walked towards the couch and starred at the picture on the coffee table. 

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