The Cinderella's Ball of Parties

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Alec Lightwood was anything but popular. Ask anyone in his school if they knew him and they would say, "Alec who?" or "Is he related to that hot chick?" The answer for the last one, is yes. Alec's younger sister, Isabelle, is in her second year of high school and everyone knows her.  Compared to his showy sister, and his loud mouth brother, Jace, Alec was just not all that. He wears over sized hoodies and sweatshirts. He basically lived in black, and he's quiet. No he's not emo. He's just not the Oprah of his school. That title was left to none other than Magnus Bane. The hottest human being alive, at least Alec thought so. Magnus was't your typical guy. He wears makeup and looks like he rolls around in glitter for a hobby. Magnus will date anyone and will brakes anyone's heart. It's safe to say, stay away from the playboy, but Alec couldn't look away. Alec didn't know why, but when he saw Magnus he couldn't make full words, let alone sentences, come out of his mouth. But alas, it was never meant to be. Magnus only notices, the noticeable and Alec is just not that noticeable.

Alec shut his locker door, and pivoted around to stare his adoptive brother down. Jace Herondale, the pain in Alec's side, since the day they meet. Jace was leaned against a wall next to a girl's locker. A small red headed girl that Alec knew as Clary. Jace talked non-stop about her. She was the only girl ever to turn down Jace's charm. The poor guy has been trying for weeks to no avail.

"Come on Clary. One date." Jace almost begged. The red head slammed her locker shut and turned to face him.

"Just give up Herondale. I'm never saying yes."

"You just did. I'll pick you up at seven?"

"In your dreams Blondie." And with that Clary strutted away. Jace turned to Alec.

"Man, I love her." Alec rolled his eyes.

"You do realize you are going to have to give up, right?"

"Never. I will win her over or my name's not Mr. Charm." Jace said with a bright, arrogant smile.

"But your name isn't 'Mr Charm', Jonathan." Alec teased, walking towards the stairwell.

"Ha ha, Alexander." Alec sent a glare at Jace. Jace laughed, but before Alec could punch him, Isabelle came clicking down the stairs behind them.

"Wait up!" She shouted. When she finally reached the two guys, she huffed. "I hate school. Ms. Saige gave me two projects and it's only October!" Izzy complained.

"Iz, that's your problem. You wanted to take fashion." Jace noted. Izzy ignored him.

"The only good part, is we got Teaching Assistants today, and I got the best one. Magnus Bane." Alec would have spit his water out, if he was drinking water.


"He's the best. He already taught me what goes with what, and that yellows not my colour."  She said looking down at her yellow tank top. She made a face.

"What?" Alec repeated.

"Magnus. You know him, don't you? I mean, he's in your grade and he's pretty cute." Isabelle poked Alec's arm as they reached the first floor. "You should ask him out. Now, there's a man," Izzy pointed down the hall. "I wouldn't mind having as a brother-in-law." Alec looked in the direction his sister was pointing to. Magnus Bane was leaded up with his back against his locker. His hair was gelled back with silver glitter. He wore a tight red jeans, a black t-shirt with the words, "BLINK IF YOU WANT ME" written in silver sequins. Izzy, like the outgoing popular girl she is, sauntered up to him, as if she had known him her whole life. Alec watched horrified, as his sister and his crush laughed at something. Magnus reached into his leather bag, and handed a sheet of paper to Isabelle with a wink. Alec's heart dropped. Was he hitting on his baby sister? Izzy just returned smiling and waving the sheet.

"You are invited to Magnus Bane's annual Halloween Mask! This years theme, BLACK AND WHITE MASQUERADE BALL!" She read what the flyer said. Jace who had only heard "invited" and "Magnus" in the same sentence, lunged for the sheet.

"No way! You got invited to one of Magnus' parties?" Jace said. "I bet Clary's going. I heard she knows Magnus from middle school." Izzy laughed.

"Knock yourself out Jace. Simon has a gig that night, and I promised I'd go." Simon was Izzy's boyfriend, and Clary's best friend. That's how Jace meet her.

"Really? Thanks Iz!" Jace smiled and shoved the flyer into his backpack.

"Well it's not like Alec wants to go."

Cinderella: A Malec Fairytale #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang