So Close Yet So Far

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Magnus walked into Ms Vosper's classroom. He had history last period. He twisted the doorknob and it was unlocked. Kids hadn't started to file in from lunch yet, so the room was empty. Magnus put his bag down on the last dest of the last row. Ms Vosper, a nice blonde lady, walked into the room with a stack of books.

"Oh, Magnus! You're already here? Quite early isn't it? Class doesn't start for another 14 minutes." Ms Vosper asked looking at the clock, as she placed her books on her desk. The clock read 1:30.

"Yeah, I wasn't really in the mood to socialize."

"Magnus Bane, hiding from the crowd? Unheard of!" She mocked. Magnus loved Ms Vosper. Other than Ms Saige, she was his favourite teacher. The difference between her and some of the other teachers was, she genuinely cared for her students and loved her job.

"Well make yourself comfortable, dear. You can hide here anytime you need." He smiled at her. She picked up a sticky note off her desk. "My, gods! I forgot. I have to give a student their assignment back!" She rummaged through her bag quickly. "Magnus, dear, can you go into that closet and see if you can find my big blue binder?" Ms Vosper pointed to the back of the classroom where a closet was. He nodded, and opened the door. The closet was a walk-in, about a meter deep. Magnus stepped into it and bent down to get a good look at the binders stacked on the floor. As he did so, the class room door opened. He could hear the conversation.

"You have the highest grade in the class. It's a shame you don't apply yourself more socially." Ms Vosper's voice sang.

"I just don't like crowds." Magnus' back straightened. That voice. He knew that voice. Before Magnus could see who the voice belonged to, the classroom door opened and shut and only Ms Vosper was left, shaking her head.

"He's such a darling young man, you know? He just needs a push in the spotlight."

"Ms Vosper, who was that?"

"Oh that was--"


"I wonder what that's about." Ms Vosper said shrugging. "Sorry, Magnus, but I need to go." With that she left the room.

Ms Vosper didn't return to class after the all call. Ms Saige walked in and took over.

"Ms Vosper won't be returning, and until you are all found a replacement, teachers will be rotating in and out. Today, I'm here. If you don't know me, my name is Ms Saige, and I am usually the fashion and drama teacher. Any questions?"

Magnus raised his hand. "Why won't Ms Vosper be returning? Is she alright?"

"She will be coming back but not for a few days. She is fine, but a family member is not. Any other questions?" Magnus wanted to know who the boy from before was. He voice sounded so familiar, yet Magnus could remember where he heard it.

"Alrighty then. First things first, you should all know that i'm not very good with Greek History, but lets begin with the basics. Who's read Percy Jackson?"

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