Learn and Listen

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Alec descended the stairs to his first period class, history. Today Ms. Vosper was talking about Greek Mythology.

"Alright. Today we are going to be talking about the story of Rhodopis. She was a Greek slave girl who marries the king of Egypt. Her story goes as follows: There once was a beautiful girl named Rhodopis. One day while she was bathing, an eagle snatched her shoe and dropped it in the lap of a king. The king was determined to find the owner of the shoe, and searched and searched. When he finally found her, he married her."

"Ms Vosper?" Someone asked. Alec turned, it was a girl in the back of the class room.

"Yes, Sharon?" Ms Vosper said as she sat on the edge of her desk.

"That sounds a lot like Cinderella."

"Very good, Sharon. That's because it is. The greek story of Rhodopis, is the earliest documentation of the Cinderella story."

After history, Alec went to math, than english, than lunch and finally his last period class, tech. When last period bell rang, it sounded like heaven, until he realized he need to pass Magnus' locker to get to his. His tech room was a few locker rows away from the stair well. It's not that Alec didn't want to be like, Hey Magnus. You know that really confident guy you danced with? Well that's me! It was just Alec couldn't manage to force himself close enough to the boy to say it. And on top of that, Alec doubted Magnus would believe him. Alec looked down the hall. He could do this. Alec walked down the hall, with his head down. As he passed by, he could hear what Magnus was saying.

"I have his ring and that's it! Cat, it's not like he'll just walk pass me!" Alec walked passed Magnus so that he wouldn't see him. Magnus had his ring. Well, at least he knew he didn't lose it. But what really made Alec smile, was the fact that he was looking for him! Alec could just turn around and go up to Magnus, but would Magnus want him if he knew that he wasn't the person he pretended to be? He was shy, had bad taste in clothes, and hated parties. Magnus wouldn't really want him, if they were so different, Alec told himself. Magnus was better off thinking the ring owner was some prince. Alec kept walked away from Magnus.

Cinderella: A Malec Fairytale #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt