The Unknown Variable

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Magnus was starting to wonder if the mysterious guy even went to his school. It was now November 13, and he felt just as unlucky as the number. Magnus Bane was starting to loose hope, and as he walked into fashion second period, he started to realize it. The new TA position he got was fun to say the least. He walked into 309 and he saw Ms Saige sitting behind her desk tracing on pieces of fabric.

"Morning." He mumble. Ms Saige's eyes started up and stared at him.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, didn't get much sleep. Bad hair day." He said pointing to the hat on his head. "Who do I need to help? What should I do?"

"Check with Isabelle. Last time I checked on her, she was wrestling with her sowing machine." Ms Saige laughed. Magnus appreciated her trying to brighten his spirit. "Who knows, maybe your luck with change!" She added. Magnus walked over to Isabelle who was trying to sow something.

"For someone who has a great fashion sense, be so terrible with a sewing machine?" He asked her. Isabelle looked up and blew a piece of hair out of her face.

"My brother says I can't cook either." She said. Magnus remember her brother, Jace. He had a thing for Clary and last time he checked with her, he was trying to get a second date.

"How's it going Magnus? You know, with the search?"

"Even you? Does every single person, but the guy I'm looking for, know about this?"

"Pretty much."

"All I have to go off of is this." Magnus pulled the ring out of his pocket and rolled it to her. "I accidentally took it after we kissed. He got a phone call, and ran off. I haven't seen him since." Isabelle picked up the ring and looked at it. Her mouth dropped open.

"Have you see it before? Do you know who it belongs to?" Magnus asked. She looked up at him, and regained her composer. Handing him the ring back she said, "No."

The rest of the day went by slowly. Magnus was in last period history with his supply, Mrs. Smith. Magnus phone vibrated on the desk and he quickly swiped it off the desk.

ISABELLE: Hey Magnus could u come help me sow on 1 last element onto my project? Pls??

MAGNUS: sure np

"Magnus?" His head shot up, Mrs Smith had her hands on her hips. "No cell phones while I'm teaching."

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