-Well, I... – I said confused, I didn't know how to explain.

-Lauren, stop that! – Dinah hit my hand, forcing me to remove it from my mouth.

I looked at my finger and a trickle of blood ran down it, I had barely realized that I was hurting it with my teeth.

-Shit! – I let out louder than expected, causing some police officers, who were there, to stare at me – This hurts!

-Tapping my foot at least doesn't hurt anyone. – Dinah said arching her eyebrows – Come on, tell me, what were you doing here?

-I... I just came. – I shrugged and Dinah raised her eyebrows – The thing is...

-Dinah, let's go. – Ally called the brunette, beside her was Veronica and Normani – Come with us, Lauren. I'm sure they don't mind if the five of us go in together.

-No, you four can go ahead, I'll go after. – I flashed a reassuring smile.

-Okay, let's go then, Dinah. – Ally called her again.

-Yeah. – Dinah got up, but before going she glanced at me – You are not off the hook, snow white.

I laughed awkwardly, seeing the girls enter the room. And through the crack that opened, I could see Camila slightly sitting on the bed with a weak smile at the sight of her friends.

Obviously I was dying to see her, everyone came out of that damn room saying how well she is, how she's talkative and calm. I was dying to ask how she was and in return get an answer and not a damn stupid silence. But I wanted to do that alone, just me and her, that's why I was determined to let everyone go in first.

-It was thanks to you, Lauren. – Lívia said when she sat beside me, scaring me.

-Jesus Christ! You scared me, Lívia. – I looked at the nurse, bringing my hand to my chest – Dammit, don't do that again!

-Sorry. – she apologized but then started laughing, I rolled my eyes and couldn't resist and smiled at the charming young woman.

A pleasant silence settled between us, only other people's conversation could be heard, but I wasn't interested in eavesdropping, never was.

-You know, Lauren... – Lívia broke the silence, making me look at her, but she kept her eyes fixed on Camila's room – I think the connection that you have with that young woman is very strong. – she finally looked at me.

-Why do you say that? – I asked curiously.

-I'm not some kind of witch or fortune teller if that's what you are thinking. – she said and I started laughing.

If only she knew...

-It's just that Camila is asking about you to everyone who enters that room.

I didn't know what to say, but a smile tugged at my lips. My face was burning, it probably was completely red. I shook my head and remained silent just like her. We stayed like that until my turn to see Camila arrived. She said goodbye and went back to work.


*One week later*

-Lauren, where are you? – Veronica's impatient voice came out muffled because of the loud noise of where she was.

-Argh. – I groaned accidentally – I... I'm on my way, Vero.

-What was that noise? You are fucking, right? Sorry, I'll hang up, but please hurry up.

-Okay, see you in a little while. – I finished the call with my free hand and put the phone back in the pocket of my black pants.

I held the body trying to drag it to the bag, and with a lot of effort I put it in the middle of it. A lock of hair fell on my face as I tried to control my heavy breathing. With the back of my hand I removed the lock of hair from my line of sight and took advantage to wipe the little sweat that was on my forehead. I looked at the 80 Kg body and found myself wondering how I was able to knock him out, kill him and drag him to this bag. Only science can answer me this. I found myself laughing alone with my thoughts.

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