chapter 39: Fairly New Parents

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Cosmo and Wanda walked up to the usually silent magician to meet him up close.

"Excuse us, but would you happen to be Raymond Teller?" Wanda asked.

"Why, yes, yes, I am," Teller smiled back. "And you must be--" he then gasped once he realized who this couple was. "Cosmo and Wanda...?"

The fairy godparents smiled sheepishly to the all grown up magician.

"Cosmo... Wanda..." Teller smiled with tears in his eyes. "I-I haven't seen you since I retired as a schoolteacher in Philadelphia."

"Look at you," Wanda cooed. "Handsome as ever."

"You're make me blush," Teller blushed in response. "So, who's your godchild now?"

"His name's Timmy." Cosmo replied.

"Timmy..." Teller repeated. "Wait, does he wear a silly pink hat and have buck teeth with brown hair and blue eyes?"

"Yes, Timmy Turner," Wanda nodded. "We thought you looked familiar when you offered to watch over him."

"Yeah, even I could see that!" Cosmo smiled to the adult man.

"I'm just mad at his parents because they really are unfit to be parents." Teller frowned.

"They really are," Wanda frowned. "Sometimes I just wish we could adopt Timmy and raise him like our very own son, I've always loved him like my own son, that's why I call him 'Sport' all the time."

"Hey, that's what you used to call me." Teller giggled.

"Hey, Raymond, if you want to tell Timmy's parents off, here's your chance, they're over at the popcorn stand." Cosmo suggested.

"Oh, I'll give them a piece of my mind." Teller promised as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Can we get fries with that?" Timmy's dad asked.

"With your popcorn?" the woman at the stand asked, confused. "We don't serve fries with popcorn, sir."

"Egads, no fries!" Timmy's dad gasped. "This could only be the works of... Dinkleberg..."

Teller coughed as he came up behind the parents.

"Oh, hello there..." Timmy's mom greeted. "How can I help you?"

"You can start by being a good parent to your son, do you even know where he is?" Teller sounded firmer with them than he was with punishing Cindy.

"Of course we do," Timmy's mom replied. "He's at home watching TV."

"And why didn't you invite him to come to the carnival?" Teller asked.

"Because, we wanted to have fun..." Timmy's dad replied.

Teller rolled his eyes. "You are horrible parents."

"What're you gonna do about it?" Timmy's dad glared to him.

"You should really take care of your son, I mean look at Ren Hoek, he may be, well, a psycho, but he takes good care of his niece, unlike you two who don't care." Teller replied.

"Thanks, man!" Ren called out as he was helping Makayla into a ride.

Makayla smiled to her uncle.

"You need to pay more attention to your son..." Teller scolded Timmy's parents.

"What gives you the right to tell us how to raise our son?" Timmy's mom glared. "Why don't you just BUTT OUT?!"

"Oh, that's it..." Teller looked very angry.

"What're you gonna do?" Timmy's dad poked the magician in the nose.

"Hold out your hands..." Teller suggested. "I have a present for you two."

The Turners then held out their hands and suddenly, they were both hand-cuffed to a lamppost.

"You're both under arrest for child abuse and neglect, your son would be better off with anyone else than you two." Teller glared.

Makayla skipped over to the Turners and noticed a sliver thing in Timmy's dad's pocket. "Hey, that's the bracelet Uncle Ren gave me for Christmas!" she then noticed as she took out the charm.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Timmy's dad chuckled nervously to her.

"You two are horrible people..." Teller crossed his arms.

Cindy walked over.

"Someone else should watch over your son," Teller told the parents. "Someone who would watch over him and leave him with a much better babysitter... Someone who would be more fit for your child... I'm a father myself and you two disgust me..."

"Why don't you adopt Timmy, Teller?" Cindy asked.

Teller looked back at her.

"Oops..." Cindy cupped her mouth. "Did I just speak without being spoken to?"

"No, you just gave me the best idea." Teller replied.

"Well, it can't get any worse." Timmy's dad said.


"Finder's Keepers, Loser's Weepers." Timmy's dad mocked.


"Wow, that's one crazy mosquito." Penn commented.

"That's an asthma-hound chihuahua." Cindy corrected.

"He's a dog?" Penn asked.

"Yep." Cindy nodded.

"Umm... Nice doggie, good doggie..." Timmy's mom got nervous.

Ren kept laughing hysterically.

Eventually, the cops came to arrest Timmy's parents.

"Alright, son, come with us, we're gonna take you to foster parents." the cop said to Timmy.

"Uh, wait, sir!" Teller rushed up to the cop. "Erm... My sister and her husband will take him."

"Sister and husband?" the others asked.

"But, Teller, you're an only chi--" Penn started.

Teller stomped on his foot to shut him up. "Yes, my sister Wanda and her husband Cosmo, they should be here any moment..." he then looked over to Timmy's pink and green balloons with a wink.

"HEEELP, I'M GETTING ATTACKED BY A MAD DOG!" Timmy's dad yelled out.

"SHUT UP!" the cop scolded. "YOU'RE GOING DOWNTOWN!"

Cosmo and Wanda waved their wands and became human adults in disguise.

"Who are you two?" the cop asked.

"I'm Cosmo!"

"And I'm Wanda!"

"And we're--" the two then started together, then tried something. "Umm..."

"My sister and brother-in-law!" Teller smiled nervously. "They've always wanted a child of their own and I think Timothy would be happy with them."

"Very well," the cop replied. "Cosmo and Wanda, you have custody of Timothy Tiberius Turner now."

"YAY!" Cosmo and Wanda cheered.

Timmy smiled to his fairy godparents as they were turned as humans. The cops then took away Timmy's parents to arrest them.

"But, Raymond, do you think we can do this?" Wanda asked. "What about Jorgen?"

"You let me worry about him, I've faced a greater pain in the butt than him..." Teller replied, giving a glance to Penn.

"Huh?" Penn asked as he was cleaning the inside of his ear.

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