chapter 2: Somewhere Beyond the Sea

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Courage's face then instantly turned green and he groaned.

"Poor little guy," Mike picked up Courage. "You get seasick, don't you?"

"Mm-hmm..." Courage nodded.

"You might wanna take these pills," Double D advised. "I used to get seasick all the time, Father always packed these for me when I would travel with him overseas."

Courage took a pill and he licked Double D's face in gratitude.

"Down, boy, down." Double D said between laughs.

"Where are we going?" Hard Luck asked.

"Nickelodeon," Mike said. "i'm gonna take you to the summer beach house."

"What's that?" Hard Luck asked.

"I don't wanna spoil the surprise." Mike smiled.

"Oh, boy, this is gonna be so much fun!" Hard Luck cheered.

"Wait, don't lean on the railing too far," June warned. "You don't wanna go overboard."

"Thanks for the warning." Hard Luck smiled.

Cindy hummed as she drew a heart in the sand and put her and Maxwell's initials in it. "CB and MH..." she then sighed dreamily. "How romantic..."

"What's with you, Maxie old boy?" Eddy asked. "You look nervous."

"Spinelli is gonna be there too." Maxwell whimpered.

"Who's gonna be there!?" Eddy's eyes widened.

"Spinelli." Maxwell nervously repeated.

"Spinelli!?" Eddy freaked out.

"Come on, guys, she's one of my best friends!" Mike said.

"But she's Jo's cousin, that's even worse!" Eddy reminded. "Abandon ship!"

"I made her mad before." Maxwell gulped.

"Fine, if you guys don't wanna see Spinelli, then you can just forget about coming on the trip with us." Mike scoffed.

"I have to go there to see Frida," Eddy replied. "I'm cool... I can handle Spinelli."

"I'm doing this for Cindy." Maxwell added.

"There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Mike smiled.

Eddy and Maxwell still looked nervous though. Cindy rolled around in the sand and giggled, making a sand angel.

"Here comes the boat!" June called. "Come on, Cindy."

Cindy giggled as she was then grabbed and pulled on the boat to Nickelodeon. She kept plucking flower petals and giggled. "Whoopsie, forgot my cell phone..."

The cell phone was ringing in the middle of the sand. Courage picked up the cell phone and gave it to Cindy.

"Thanks, Doggy." Cindy smiled as she was in her own little world.

Courage smiled to her, then took Double D's pills.

"Hello?~" Cindy greeted.

"Cindy, drop whatever you're doing, change of-" Penn was about to tell her.

Cindy giggled and cooed to Maxwell. "I love you, my little Maxie Moo..."

"Uhh, Cindy, Penn wants to talk to you." Maxwell said nervously.

"Hehheh, hello..." CIndy greeted.

"Cindy, are you high?" Penn asked.

"Oh, yes, Penn, I need the doctor because I have a critical medical condition!" Cindy flopped on the deck. "I'm in LOVE!"

"WHAT?!" Penn freaked out. "WITH WHO?!"

"Maxwell." Cindy sighed dreamily.

"Maxwell?" Penn asked.

Teller handed a photograph of the boy to Penn.

"Oh, that kid," Penn remembered now. "He better not hurt you or else."

"Okay..." Cindy giggled.

"I mean it, Cindy, that kid hurts you, he's dog meat!" Penn threatened.

"You're sexy when you get mad..." Cindy giggled.

"WHAT!" Penn growled.

"Okay, gotta get going, love you, bye." Cindy hung up.

"Cindy, don't hang-" Penn glared. "Hello? Hello! She hung up on me..."

"Ah... Young love..." Teller cooed as he played cat's cradle by himself. "I should send her a fruit basket for her birthday this year."

Penn rolled his eyes in response.

"We won't be long," Mike told the others. "We'll probably be there in 20-25 minutes."

"I get to see Manny." Lu smiled.

"I get to see Frida." Eddy added.

Cindy felt her old self come back as she leaned over, looking very sickly green. "Up... Down... Up... Down... My stomach's on FIRE!"

Meanwhile, Reggie and Arnold were on shore, waiting for their friends to arrive.

"I just hope that they're gonna come." Reggie said.

"Mike promised, I'm sure they're on their way." Arnold promised.

"I just hope so," Reggie started to pace back and forth. "We haven't seen her in a while."

"I know, but don't worry..." Arnold said, then smiled. "Remember the first time we met her?"

"How could I forget?" Reggie replied. "Otto did something smart for once and saved her life..."

"And we stopped Mr. Krabs from making her leave." Arnold added.

"Yeah, I hate that guy." Reggie nodded.

"He used to be such a nice guy, then he got too competitive with Plankton..." Arnold sighed. "I think I know why Pearl was such a brat."

"And he's greedy and made the Krusty Krab open for 24 hours." Reggie said.

"Yes, he is greedy, I always felt bad for SpongeBob and Squidward."

"Especially Squidward..." Reggie said. "I used to think he was a real jerk."

"His aura is mixed with blue and green," Arnold diagnosed. "That means he was tormented a lot and gets treated like a butt monkey, but deep down, he has a good heart."

"Butt monkey?" Reggie asked.

"Someone who gets bullied and tormented a lot, and even has bad luck." Arnold explained.

"Oh," Reggie nodded, then turned around. "Here comes the boat!"

"See?" Arnold smiled. "I told ya."

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