chapter 15: Bad Boys

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"Phil, please stop it," Lil begged. "Don't hurt him, please."

"Yeah, listen to your stupid and delicious sister." Bubba agreed.

Phil stopped for the sake of his sister.

Penn was now walking toward Maxwell with an angry look in his eye. "MAXWELL!"

"Oh, NOW he gets my name right..." Maxwell gulped.


Maxwell's eyes widened and he ran right over to Penn's side, becoming deathly pale and shivered. "Y-Yes, sir?"

"I wanna talk with ya..." Penn folded his arms.

"When you say talk, do you mean-" Maxwell was about to ask, then saw Penn looked royally angered which frightened him. "OH, MY GOD! RUN FOR IT!"

Penn grabbed Maxwell by his ankle and dragged him until grabbing him by his shirt collar. "So, I let you hang around Cindy... You really love and care about her... Weren't those your EXACT WORDS!?" he then growled in the boy's face.

"Well, she shouldn't been a cowardly, whining baby anymore, you have to agree." Maxwell replied.

Penn tightened his hold, moving his hand up to Maxwell's throat. "Yeah, but I don't break her heart in the process!"

"B-But, you don't understand..." Maxwell shivered.

Lil walked by. "Where's Cindy?"

"In her room." Penn replied.

"Let me go talk to her," Lil offered. "I know how she feels."

"Be sure to knock first," Penn advised. "Cindy kinda freaks out if you sneak up on her."

Lil nodded, then went to Cindy's room to talk with her.

"And as for you..." Penn smiled darkly to Maxwell.

"What're you going to do?" Maxwell asked.

"I'm gonna do the best I can." Penn grinned.

"So, Maxwell broke Cindy's heart just because she's a coward?" Mike asked in disbelief.

"Yep." Penn nodded.

Police cars surrounded Penn, which it worried him.

"DROP THE KID NOW!" a cop demanded.

"Okay... Okay... Okay..." Penn set Maxwell down. "Easy... Uh, maybe I could show you guys a magic trick, huh?"

"We're taking you downtown, sir." the cop glared.

"Uh... Heh... Funny thing about this, I... TELLER!" Penn yelled out. "TELLER!"

At the Turner house...

Teller sniffled and sneezed as he gave Timmy pizza bagels.

"Bless you, sir." Timmy said.

"Thank you, I think Penn is talking about me." Teller replied.

"I'm telling you, Wanda, that guy looks like our old godchild, Raymond." Cosmo whispered as he and Wanda were in goldfish mode.

"He does look like him actually." Wanda agreed.

Teller turned on the TV and the show Cops was on and it had Penn on it.

"Sir, why did you choke a child?" the cop demanded.

"He hurt my niece!" Penn defended.

"Hm?" Teller's eyes widened.

"He hurt my niece!" Penn called, glaring at the cops. "You got wax in your ears?!"

"You're gonna be locked up for a while, sir," a cop shoved Penn onto the side of a squad car and handcuffed him.

"Cindy, save Uncle Penn!" Penn yelped.

Meanwhile, Cindy was still depressed over Maxwell. She then heard a knock at her door.

"Who is it?" Cindy asked.

"It's Lil," the guest replied. "May I come in?"

"Yes, you may." Cindy allowed.

Lil walked in and came to see the little girl. "Hey... You okay?"

"I thought he loved me no matter what..." Cindy said, she had stopped crying now though. "I guess guys are just the pits for me."

"I know the feeling?"

"You do?"

"I used to date Brett, one of guys in the popular group at school, I thought he really likes me until... He started to hurt me if I didn't listen to him." Lil explained as she then pulled up her shirt to show a bruise that was healing quickly due to her werewolf genetics.

Cindy winced slightly from the bruise, then frowned. "At least you're not a butt monkey."

"A butt monkey?" Lil asked.

"I got bullied every single day at Gumboot, even for doing nothing." Cindy explained.

"What's Gumboot?" Lil asked.

"A crapsack town...' Cindy sighed. "Everybody's either a jerk or a total idiot... And someone you know went there... Miranda Killgahen."

"No way..." Lil said.

"Way..." Cindy slowly nodded.

"No wonder she acts so snotty all day." Lil scoffed.

"Oh, Gumboot..." Cindy groaned. "I'm so glad we moved out of that place... Wonder what's on TV?" she then clicked on the TV.

'Cops is filmed on locaiton by the men and women of the law enforcement.' the TV said as COPS was ending with the Bad Boy's theme song.

TMZ was then coming on.

"Ugh, I hate this show, just leave the celebrities alone..." Cindy was about to change the channel.

'This just in in Celebrity News, famed Las Vegas bad boy magician Penn Jillette is behind bars!' the announcer announced as a mugshot of Penn appeared on the screen.

"What?" Cindy gasped.

"Isn't that your uncle?" Lil asked.

"Uh-huh, he's in trouble, we have to help him," Cindy sounded desperate. "Lil, could you help me?"

"Of course." Lil agreed.

"Oh, thank you, Lil..." Cindy hugged her. "Oh, I hate to imagine what he's going through right now..."

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