chapter 11: Operation: Love Interest

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At the beach house...

Cindy was getting breakfast and smiled once she saw more Krabby Patties, adding them to her plate.

"Remember, you and Matt are coming with me." Penn told her.

"I never agreed to that." Cindy glared at him.

"Oh, yes, you did." Penn replied.

"Penn, I'm not going and you can't make me, don't even think about guilt tripping me..." Cindy said.

Penn looked to her, then smirked darkly. "I guess ya don't wanna know then..."

Cindy looked up. "Know what?"

"Oh, it--Nah, never mind..." Penn shrugged. "It wouldn't interest you."

"What!?" Cindy asked.

"I did a stupid thing with a hair dryer." Penn started.

"What happened?" Cindy asked.

"Help me and I'll tell ya..." Penn grinned darkly.

"Tell me first and then I'll think about it." Cindy said.

"Deal.. Okay, here's what I did." Penn said, then whispered the rest in Cindy's ear.

Cindy grinned, but then looked very queasy and sick to her stomach. "GROSS! Why would you tell that to a 10 year old girl!?"

"You wanted to know..." Penn laughed.

"Why would you put that image in my brain?" Cindy groaned.

"It's in one of the chapters of my book you got for Christmas." Penn smiled.

"Wha.... What?" Cindy asked.

"Remember that girl I don't remember the name of but I call her Heather?" Penn asked.

"Yeah...?" Cindy cringed. "What about it?"

Penn laughed. "Well, I used her lesbian roommate's hair dryer for it.'

"Oh, GOD, STOP IT!" Cindy begged.

Penn laughed again.

Mike was reading her comic book then she heard knocking and she opened the door.

"Hey, Mike." Lil greeted.

"Lil, what a surprise." Mike said.

"You, uh, forgot your jacket." Lil smiled sheepishly, holding it out to Mike.

"Oh, thank you." Mike smiled, accepting it.

Courage came by Mike's side and looked up at Lil.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a dog." Lil said.

"Oh, he's not mine, I'm just watching him." Mike said.

"Aww, you're so cute~" Lil cooed. "Come here, boy, come here!"

Courage looked up to Lil, then slowly walked over.

"It's okay, Courage." Mike soothed.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." Lil promised.

Courage came closer to Lil and smiled up to her.

"Who does he belong to?" Lil asked as she gently pet Courage.

"A very nice old lady named Muriel Bagge." Mike informed.

"Well, she's very lucky, yes, she is, yes, she is!" Lil cooed to the cowardly dog.

Courage smiled and nuzzled against her.

Lil picked up Courage and hugged him. "He's so fluffy and cute."

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