chapter 27: Sweet Dreams

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Teller came in the bedroom. "Penn, where's Cynthia? My worry senses are tingling."

"She's doing a favor for me." Penn smiled peacefully.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Teller barked.

"I heard howling and I asked her to look for me." Penn replied.

Teller put his hands to his face. "Oh, that poor little girl..."

Penn then turned over to get some sleep.

"Glad you can sleep with a guilty conscience..." Teller glared.

"I smell someone in trouble and it's someone who smells like peaches." Phil said as he sniffed the air.

"Cindy!" Lil cried out.

"Yeah, her." Phil said.

"Let's go, Phil!" Lil said and ran with her twin brother.

Teller put on his jacket and shoes, running out of the beach house, using a flashlight. "Cindy!!! Cindy, where are you?!"

Cindy sucked her thumb as she slept peacefully.

"Holy crap, can't stop this, oh, I can see it now, I'll be in jail for running over a sleeping little girl." the man moaned as he was unable to stop his van.

"Trick or Treat..." Cindy mumbled with her eyes halfway open. "Thank you..." she then closed them as she turned over in her sleep. "Keep the change..."

"Oh, God, oh, God, OH, GOD!" the man cried.

A blur zipped by and saved Cindy.

"Huh?" the man blinked.

Something then grabbed onto the van and made it stop moving.

"Huh?" the man wondered. "What was that?"

Cindy yawned and stretched, then looekd down and screamed, clinging onto Phil. "I'M FLYING!"

"Calm down, will ya?" Phil asked.

"Phil, what are you doing in my dream?" Cindy asked.

"Uh..." Phil wasn't sure what to say. "Yes, this is a dreeeeeaaammm... Oooohhh..."

"What?" Cindy looked at him.

"This is only a dreeeeeaaaammm..." Phil hypnotized her.

"Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy..." Cindy muttered before going back to sleep.

"Wow, that worked..." Phil took Cindy back to the beach house.

"Cindy?!" Teller called. "Oh, Cindy, where are you?!"

"I'm so sorry..." the man told Lil. "My brakes don't work anymore, I don't know what happened, I didn't wanna hurt that little girl. I'm terribly sorry if I tried to run her over."

"It was an accident, you should get your van checked out." Lil suggested.

"I will..." the man nodded. "I just hope that little girl's okay."

"She is, don't worry." Lil promised.

"Wait a minute, are you the one who stopped my van?" the man asked her.

"Long story, I gotta go!" Lil went off.

"Wait, who are you!?" the man called, then frowned. "Who was that strange child?"

Lil and Phil then went off home together after another job well done.

"Hi, Cindy..." Penn smiled nervously. "Did you find out where that howling came from for your dear, sweet, favorite Uncle Penn?"

Cindy scoffed. "Why do I put up with you!?"

"Okay, Penn, you're sleeping on the couch this time so you don't bother Cindy sleeping." Teller scolded his partner.

"But!" Penn pouted.

"No buts, mister!" Cindy glared. "Get your pillow and blanket and march downstairs, mister, I'm not taking anymore of your crap!"

"Tonight anyway," Penn smirked teasingly. "Tomorrow, you're mine again."

Cindy glared with a low growl. "Good night, Penn."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Penn scoffed.

Cindy went to her own room went back to sleep as so did Penn and Teller.

Phil and Lil then went back to their rooms.

"We're werewolves and superheroes at the same time," Phil commented. "How cool is that? Life just got a lot more interesting..." he then smirked.

"You said it, should we tell Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, Dil, Susie, and Angelica about us being werewolves?" Lil asked.

"I dunno..." Phil shrugged. "Dil might like it, Angelica might not believe us, and Chuckie might get scared."

"Kimi might understand and so will Susie and Tommy probably." Lil nodded in agreement.

"We'll see what happens, we'll talk with Mom and Dad about it in the morning." Phil said.

"Good idea..." Lil agreed, then yawned. "Night, Phil."

"Night, Lil."

The DeVille twins then went to get some sleep.

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