Quick Update

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This'll be quick, guys.

My Grandpa is doing much, much better. He even drove somewhere to hang out with his friends, so it looks like his heart is going strong! Yeah, he was never one for slowing down and recovering. The whole time he was in the hospital, he kept asking when he could leave xD

Sorry about the lack of uploads. I've been getting a ton of work done the past 2 weeks....a SKELE-TON!

lolololololololololololololololol I hate my life XD

Anywhoozzles, I will try and have the next part up by Wednesday. If I don't, give me a challenge to do as pennance. And not a real life challenge! Something I can do on here, kay? A'ight.

Keep it stealthy, mah ninjas!

These always make me laugh so freakin' hard, it's unbelievable.
*an eagle flies by and drops deer sausage in my mouth*

(muffled) I GET IT, HAWKINS!

If anyone gets that, I love you. I will give you a Twix bar.

He can see me- Jacksepticeye x readerWhere stories live. Discover now