Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! This chapter is gonna start off when Harry calls Niall and tells him goodbye and stuff. Okay yeah, Enjoy!


Niall's POV

The phone slips from my hand, landing on the cold tile floor. I couldn't care less about that stupid phone. What the hell is Harry going to do?

I look up at Zayn, Louis, and Perrie. They stood there with a  horrified expression. Perrie's hand makes it's way up to her mouth before covering it in shock.

"You heard that?" I ask. They simply nod in response. "I have to go, like now."

"We can go too," Perrie offers. I ponder for a moment. Do I want them there? They can be of use.

"Okay, but I'm not waiting." I rush out. I reach into my pocket and pull out my keys. I run towards the door, nearly tripping in the process. All of this shouldn't of happened. I quickly jump on my bike and drive to Harry's house. They get into Zayn's car and drive closely behind me.

Who knows what Harry will do. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would self harm, but then again neither do I. I was embarrassed of all of my scars on my arms, that's what got me started with the tattoos. The first one I got was simply to cover the scars. But then it became so much more. It wasn't just a stupid doodle anymore, it was my only way to express myself.


"Zayn." I whispered


"I want your dick."


"What?" Lms if you cry everytime.



I arrive at Harry's house after the short ride. I quickly jump off of my bike, not bothering to park it. I cringe as I hear the sound of my motorcycle hitting the dirty cement.

I quickly run to Harry's front door. I hear footsteps following closely behind. I'm about to kick the door down when a set of hands pull me back.

"No need for that, Niall," Zayn laughs but quickly stops once I send him a harsh glare. "What I meant to say is that the door is open," he turns the knob, and sure enough, it's open.

I quickly run upstairs to Harry's room. I open the door and run around his room, looking for any sign of him. I quietly sigh when I can't find him. I continue to look around until I hear a quiet sob come from the bathroom.

I quickly rush to the bathroom and try to turn the knob. It's locked. I roughly bang my fists onto the door rapidly. "Harry, Get out of there, Now!"

I hear a small snuffle coming from inside. Oh no. "I have to do this, Niall," He whimpers quietly. I start to panic. I can feel the tears slowly make their way down my cheeks. I take a step back as I kick the door open. "Harry, no!" I yell as I see the motionless body.

"Zayn, Perrie, Louis!" I yell out. They quickly rush to my side. "Zayn hurry, I need your bandana," I rush him. He doesn't hesitate to pull it out. He quickly hands it to me.

I wrap it around Harry's wrist tightly, hoping it will somewhat slow down the bleeding. "Perrie, call the ambulance!" I rush her.

"I already called them," She reassures. "They'll be here soon,"

All this is just terrible. I cause it all. I'm the stupid cunt that lead him into doing this. God, I am such an idiot.

"Niall," Perrie snaps me from my thoughts. "The ambulance is here." I sigh in relief. I watch as the doctors pick up Harry's motionless body.

I run after the doctors, trying to keep up with their fast pace, the others following closely behind. I'm about to get in the large ambulance truck when a set of hands pushes me back.

"What the hell?" I mutter angrily. Harry is dying and this little shit wants to mess with me. Fucking Bullshit.

"Sorry sir, only family may ride in here," The man shrugs. I clench my fists, there is no way in hell that I'm leaving Harry's side. Not anymore.

I quickly came up with a lie. "Well, he's my boyfriend," I try my very best to not sound completely awkward. He seems pretty convinced. He nods and motions for me to climb in.

I quickly rush to Harry's side and grab a hold of his hand. I lower my head as I press a gentle kiss into his hand. I keep my head there for the rest of the ride as I cry uncontrollably. 

I run along with the people pushing the gurney that holds Harry's lifeless body. We pass many halls until we finally arrive at the emergency room. I'm about to run in when I get pushed out, landing on my ass. I quickly recover from my fall and try to go inside the room again.

"Sorry, only doctors allowed at this point," an obnoxious red headed lady says as she slams the doors shut. I bang on the door over and over again, hoping they would open it. They didn't. Fuck.


It's been five hours and the little fuckers still haven't told me anything. I am sitting on the edge of my seat while biting my finger nails. These past few hours have been nothing but torture. I've been crying non stop. I shouldn't be complaining though. Harry's in the emergency room, dying.

The others are here too. They've only been waiting here for an hour or two though. I called Harry's mum earlier and told her the news. She works about two hours away and the traffic is just terrible right now. Hopefully she'll be here soon.

I let out a deep breath when I see the doctor make his way over towards us. I quickly jump up from the chair and run towards him.

"So how is he?" I ask the doctor desperately. He flips the page on the clipboard as he annoyingly clicks the pen.

"Mr. Styles is in critical condition. He overdosed on some anxiety medicine and suffered from major blood loss. There isn't much we can do at this point," The doctor explains. I grab the collar of his shirt as I push him against the wall roughly.

"You will not let him die or I will personally find you and I will kill you," I threaten him. He nods his head slowly. "Okay, now go back in there and help my boyfriend." I let him go. I watch as he runs back into the emergency room.

"Oh my god, Niall," Zayn laughs. "You totally had that doctor pissing his pants." That would of made me laugh if it weren't for the current situation. It's absolutely great scaring the shit out of people.

I start to look around the waiting room. Hospitals are scary as hell. While I'm looking around, I see Liam walk inside the waiting room. He looks around the room before his eyes land on me. He angrily walks up to me and clenches his fists. Shit.


O h.

Sorry I haven't updated in like eighty seven years, I seriously had no idea what to write for this chapter. So yeah, that's why it's so sucky.

Anyway, I have two new stories up.

One is Larry/Narry, it's called I See You, and basically Harry has schizophrenia and he starts to fall for Louis while he's dating Niall, but um, Louis isn't real.

The second one is Larry, it's called trouble. So Harry got abused as a little boy and he hates people who drink and stuff. He wants nothing to do with Louis, but Louis wants everything to do with Harry.

Okay yeah, thanks of you actually read the whole author's note. I love you guys!

~ Ari.

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