Chapter Six

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Niall's POV

Maybe I should listen to Zayn and Louis. I'd be better off not seeing Harry. Whenever I'm with Harry something goes terribly wrong. What if next time we actually do 'it', I wouldn't be able to control myself. Whenever I'm with Harry my brain just shuts off and I start going ape shit.

A pounding on my door startles me. I jump up from my comfortable couch and make my way to open the door.

"Hi Harry," I greet as I open the door for the boy with curly hair.

He doesn't respond, he swiftly grabs the back of my neck and pushes his lips onto mine roughly. My eyes widen as I realize what he's doing. I press my hands onto his chest and push him away. "The hell?"

"C'mon Niall," Harry encourages. "Have some fun."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap.

He doesn't respond; he rolls his head back in fits of laughter.

I let out a growl of frustration, "Harry! Fucking stop it!"

"Oh Niall," He holds a smug look on his face. "Naive little Niall."

"Are you on drugs? What the hell are you going on about?" I ask him angrily.

He is being so damn difficult. What the hell is wrong with him? He never acts like this.

"You can't deny that feeling of bliss you felt while we kissed." He sent me a grin.

I thought for a moment, I can't argue with that. It was unlike something i've ever felt before. I'm not sure how to describe it. It would have to be between the lines of hot and rough.

I rolled my eyes before replying, "Can we talk about that really quick?"

"Aren't we already?" He replies bluntly.

"Could you just shut up for one damn second! I don't need your stupid fucking attitude." I hiss.

He flinches at my harsh words before taking a seat on the couch and crossing his arms.

I let out a huff as I take a seat on my coffee table.

"Sorry," I mumble quietly.

He doesn't reply, he just send me a harsh glare.

I bite my lip as I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. We sit in an uncomfortable silence for a couple of minutes before Harry decides to speak up.

"Well?" he asks annoyingly. "I'm waiting."

"Well um," I pause. "We can't speak to each other anymore."

This seems to catch his attention. He furrows his eyebrows slightly as he presses his lips together in a straight line. "Why?"

I take in a deep breath, here goes nothing. "I have a reputation to keep up."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I have a reputation to uphold." I raise my voice. "I can't go around hanging out with a nerd."

"What's your problem Niall?" He frowns slightly, eyebrows still furrowed.

"You." I say rather harshly.

I know i'm being a complete cunt right now, but I have to do what's necessary in order for him to believe me.

"w-what?" He stutters out, tears brimming his eyes.

"Did I stutter?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"N-no," he whimpers lightly.


"Niall, can you tell me what's going on?" Harry asks me.

"Nothing is going on damn it." I growl loudly. "I already told you Harry! I'm fucking popular, I have an image to uphold. You don't, all you are is a geek."

A couple tears roll down his cheek, landing on his pants.

"But Nia-"

"Can you get the fuck out of my house?" I cut him off.



He jumps up and runs towards the door. He turned around and looked at me before flipping me off. "Fuck you, Niall." He slams the door loudly.

I let out a deep breath as I fall onto the sofa. It had to be done.


"So what happened?" Louis asks me as I walk into his house.


I'm not in the mood for talking. Not with them. They are the ones who told me to get rid of Harry.

"Did you get rid of the nerd?" Zayn pats my back.


How long will I last until I go crawling back to Harry? A day? A week? A month?

"So how are you holding up mate?" Zayn asks me sympathetically.

"I'm fine," I reply shortly.

I can't stop thinking of the way Harry looked at me. I saw the look of betrayal. I knew he didn't trust easily, yet he gave his trust to me.

"You sure?" Louis questions. "You don't look fine."

I force a smile, "Totally fine, see?"

I'm not fine, I'm broken. Harry is the only one who could make me feel otherwise.

"No you're not." Zayn states. "You're a complete wreck."

"Why are you two even doing this?" I snap. "You two are the ones who told me to stay away from him. I listened to you guys, I got rid of the nerd."

They frowned slightly at my words. "We only wanted what was best for you Niall."

What's best for me? If they really wanted to do so then they wouldn't have made me do this. Why did I even agree to this? I know what's best for me. Harry.

"Okay." I reply bluntly. "What's done is done right?"

"Niall," Zayn sighs.

"No," I raise my voice. "What's done is done."


It was so hard for me to write this chapter. I felt terrible, but it had to be done. It's part of something big that's going to happen soon. I'm going to be editing the chapters throughout the week so I might not update as frequently.

 Okay yeah, Thank you! I love you! (:

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