Chapter Three

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Harry's POV

I'm beyond sad right now. Why? I have no idea. All Niall said was that he wasn't gay. I'm being a complete sissy right now. But then again, he gets my hopes up and then drops me like I'm nothing. It isn't alright to screw with someone's feelings, in case Niall didn't know that.

It's seven a.m. in the morning and I'm getting ready for school. School, yay! Jake and his friends are probably going to hurt me like they always do. They haven't been hitting me since Niall stood up to Jake which was about two weeks ago. Me and Niall have been spending a lot of time together since then. He's been my own little body guard, keeping people from hitting me. But still, verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse.

I throw on a pair of dress pants and a dress shirt, not really giving a care what people think. Why do I have to get ready and style my hair if no one is going to take any notice. If anything they'll make jokes about it like 'Oh, look at that nerd trying to fit in, How cute.' or 'You'll never be cool geek.' 

I don't understand why they have to pick on me. I'm not ugly. Sure, I get straight A's, but so many other students do too. So why the hell does it have to be me?

I sigh as I pick up my back pack. I have to walk to school, my mum works early in morning. School is a twenty minute walk so I always leave the house at around seven twenty-five. I like to pick up a coffee on my way to school. I always have to go to starbucks because they have the best. Getting that coffee is literally the highlight of my day.

I make my way into school with my head held high. I know I shouldn't because I'll probably get a beating or something, but Niall gave me some sort of self confidence when he told me all those things in the library.

"Hey dork, didn't you know that animals weren't allowed on campus?" Some jock says. "A dog like you cant be roaming around."

I bring my head down and gently rub my arm.

I walk into class and take a seat. I'm about ten minutes early. I like to come early because no one is in the classrooms. It's the only time were people aren't constantly bugging me.

My teacher walks in with a grin on her face. Ms Craig is only a few years older than me. She's only about twenty-five.

"Harry, you know how I've been dating Jack?" She squeals.

I nod my head.

"Well..." She pauses. "He asked me to marry him!"

"That's great Ms Craig. I'm so happy for you." I smile warmly.

"What about you Harry?" She questions. "Have you found your princess?"

I blush, "Not exactly."

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asks.

"Um..." I trail off. "I'm gay."

Her eyes widen as she lets out a gasp. "I would've never guessed."

"Well yeah." I shrug my shoulders.

"Okay Harry, go take a seat in the back. I don't want anyone to throw things at you."

I nod as I make my way to the desk filled with many profanities. I cringe when I see my name, along with a couple other nasty words.

Minutes later the bell rings and the classroom fills up.

"Buenos dias." Ms Craig says.

"Buenos dias." The whole class responds.

"Como se dice esto?" (How do you say this?) She asks, raising her purse.


"Que Bueno." Ms Craig smiles. "Como se dice est-"

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