Chapter Seven

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Harry stumbled as he shut the door behind him with a loud thud. He never felt worse. This situation had only added much more pain. Harry knew he couldn't last much longer. He thought that maybe if he left the world he would finally be at peace. Why would he want to stay here and suffer? Niall was no longer going to protect Harry from the bullies. Niall. Harry thought that Niall was different. Niall was just using Harry as a charity case, nothing more. Niall felt nothing towards the curly haired boy. Niall had only felt pity. Or so Harry thought.

Niall didn't mean for things to turn out this way. He truly did care for Harry. Niall didn't feel any better than Harry did. He was beating himself up mentally; he was fighting with himself. He only did this so he could figure out his feelings towards Harry and try to end them before they start to escalate. Niall felt selfish for doing this. He felt like he didn't deserve to have anything. People are jealous of Niall, they believe that he is perfect, and lives the perfect life. They're wrong. Although he didn't know it, the only thing Niall needed was Harry. Harry made him feel safe. But Niall just let Harry slip away.

Harry arrived at his house after the short walk from Niall's house. He opened the door and walked in. Harry fell onto the couch and curled himself into a ball, releasing quiet sobs as he rocked himself back and forth.

"Harry?" A voice called out. It was his mum. She gasped at the sight in front of her. Harry's curls were sprawled out. His cheeks were slightly stained with his tears. It was a terrible sight.

"Baby, what's wrong?" His mum gently rested her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged her hand off of him as he released another sob.

"Mum, I want to be left alone." He brought his sleeve to his face and gently wiped away the tears. "I promise you that i'm okay. I just don't want any company right now."

She frowned slightly at her son's words. Harry isn't a very convincing liar. "You sure Harry?"

"Yes," His voice cracked slightly from all the crying that had been done. He absolutely hated crying. He thought it showed weakness.

"Okay baby," His mum said soothingly, gently pressing her lips onto his forehead. "I love you, baby."

Harry didn't respond, he just shut his eyes closed and nodded. He sat like this for a couple of minutes before he decided to call Liam.

"Liam?" Harry squeaked through the phone.

Although Liam couldn't see Harry, he knew that he had been crying.

Liam frowned and pursed his lips before replying, "What the hell did Niall do?"

Harry was a bit taken back at Liam's words. How did he know?

"He um," Harry cried out.

"I'll be there in ten." Liam spoke harshly before hanging up the phone.

Harry closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from streaming down his face.

"Why Niall?" Harry whimpered out.


Niall's POV

Zayn and Louis are going to drop by any minute. We had planned to go to the club later. They thought that it would take my mind off stuff. Why not give it a go? Haven't had a proper hook up since I met Harry. It's been seventeen days since I've met him. Time really does fly when you're having fun.

Knock. Knock.

That must be them. I quickly get up and walk towards the door. I fumble a bit with the door knob until I finally open it. A hand greets my face in one swift movement. Some cunt slapped me.

"What the hell?" I clench my fists. My teeth are gritted and my neck vain is probably popped out, but I couldn't care less at the moment. Who does this person think he is.

"If I were you I wouldn't punch anyone." The guy tells me. "How would Harry react when he found out that you hit me? His only friend."

"Who the hell are you?" I ask angrily. This guy can't be friends with Harry.

"Liam," He informs me.

"Okay Liam, who the hell do you think you are? You can't just slap me for no damn reason." I speak through gritted teeth. Who the hell gave him the damn right?

"I have a reason Niall." He hisses. "Harry is sobbing uncontrollably. You really hurt him. Don't you know better than to mess with someone's feelings? He really cares about you Niall. To me you're a wanker who doesn't give a shit about anyone. But Harry sees something good in you. I don't know why, but he does. He gave you his trust, and this is how you repay him? By breaking his fucking heart? That's low, even for someone like you."

I let what he said sink in. He's right. I'm an inconsiderate prick who doesn't care about anyone.

"I know," I agreed quietly. "I really screwed up."

"Yeah, you did. If you have one ounce of respect towards that boy, you'll go fix this. Only you can make this better. I'm counting on you."

"Did we come at a bad time?" A voice asks. Zayn. It would've been a lot better if they got here like five minutes ago.

"No," Liam says harshly. "I was just leaving."

I watch as Liam walks away, my mind still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Who the hell was that?" Louis asks me.

"Liam," I reply shortly.

"Why was he here?" Zayn furrows his eyebrows.

"So he could slap me," I pause. "And, speak some sense into me."

All of this happened because I was being a selfish prick. Now it's my turn to fix it.

"About what?" They ask in unison.

I turned to them and send them a harsh glare. "You guys were wrong. All of this stuff about popularity and reputation is bullshit."

"We were just trying to do what's best for you, mate." Zayn pats my back.

"No," I protest. "What's best for me is Harry, and it's my job to make things right with him."

"Okay," Louis replies. "We got you into this mess, we're gonna help you win Harry back."

"Thank you." I smile.

"Mates for life."


There you go! Another chapter, yay! I'm still editing the chapters a bit so there might not be an update tomorrow. Okay, yeah.

Bye, I love you! (:

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