Chapter 1

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Destiny POV

"You b***h! " I can't bear to hear his annoying voice in my ears. I know what he is coming to do, I have faced this night from mom had died, my father used to be a good man, I still remember the good times with him.

"Bang! ", My room door flew open, I didn't even moved from my spot on the floor as I look through My long brown hair which is now full of tangles and see my father fuming face with the big rope in his hand which is my whip for the past ten years, he start to curse in my face. " How many times I told you to stop disobey your Mom! You slut! " as he slap me against my back , how dare he call that bitch my mom is he mad ! I mentally say in my head , that woman would cook night after night and wont even hand me a plate you must be wondering how I eat, well when my dad is drunk as usual and when my cruel stepmother is asleep I sneak out and steal food and bring to my room that's the only way I get food to eat. I hate that woman she can't replace my mom ,ever. I still remember the day my mom part away and my life completely change.

'Honey I am home' my dad call from the kitchen to my mom, I love my dad . I ran from my room and went to hug him I couldn't wait till he got home. But he didn't hug me back he was staring at something on the floor I didn't know what until I turn and saw my mom on the floor in a pool of blood with shot wounds in her chest and her arms. my dad just stood there until he ran off and got the phone to call the ambulance .I was shaking I couldn't bear to look any longer so I ran away to my room and that was the last I see outside.

Whessh! The rope hit me across my face that's when I remember the situation I was in before the memories flow back. 
I try to stop him but he only hit me more, this is what I encounter every night of my miserable life . When he got tired of hitting me he slap me hard across my face and went out my room slamming the door. I can't stand this no more , I scramble to my mirror and took a look at my face,it is turning black and blue now and my brown eyes don't shine so bright again. So I decided the only thing that came to my mind 'to run away' . I start to pack my black travelling bag with all my necessities, my passport, purse and my credit card that my father didn't know about, if he remember I would be in hell right now . I took one last look at what used to be my home and jump through my room window. I am leaving this disgusting life to face the new world ahead of me. I hope out there will be a change.

Guess I am wrong...

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