Chapter Ten

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dedicated to @SillyGirl32 just because her story is adorable.... go check it out! 'Skinny Love...' I guarantee you'll love it.

                                                       ••Toby's P.O.V••

"What? What's wrong?" I ask worriedly as her eyes start to tear up.

"H-here." she says shakily handing me the letter. I take it and slowly read it.

Dear Grace,

       We are sorry to say this but, we're gone. We aren't coming back, but you still can contact us if needed. Everything on the house is paid for, that's why I was working extra. Your father helped me pay it off, so you could live there while we're gone. We aren't saying where we're going, but you may figure it out depending on how badly you want to know.

       It is very hard to leave a child that you've raised with hopes that they'll turn out as beautiful as you planned them to be. It may seem like we didn't love you, but we do; with all our might. You and your father started out on a rough patch, but maybe over time your bond will build. There is money in your bank account, enough to last you for a while. We will constantly be putting more in, so you don't have to worry about that.

       We want you to remember that we love you and are only doing this out of your best interest. If you want to move out, then go right ahead, I've planned it all out because I figured that. I'm guessing your first instinct will be to move near the McDonough's, so you can rent an apartment back in Orlando. You have always been an independent girl, so you may like that.

Best of luck, we love you. xoxo

-Mom and Dad

"Oh, Grace." I place the letter on the island, then run over and embrace her small body in my arms. She quietly sobs into my chest as I rub her back and kiss the crown of her head.

"I-I just didn't think... they'd actually leave me." she mumbles.

"I know, I know." she pulls her head out of my chest and rubs her eyes dry. "It's getting late and you've had a long day, you should go and get some sleep." I say.

"Where are you going to stay?" she asks quietly.

"Connor, Riley and I have a hotel room booked down the road."

"Can you stay here tonight?" I smile warmly then nod.

"Of course." I walk beside her, place my hand on her back then guide her upstairs.

"Here are some clothes to wear, I've actually been wearing them every night." she says slightly smiling. "That's not weird is it?" I chuckle.

"Not the least bit. Go have a shower and get refreshed, you're still a little dirty from your nap on the park bench." I wink and she laughs.

"Whatever." she grabs some clothes from her drawers then walks into the bathroom. I text my brothers to tell them I'm staying, and they reply with an 'okay'. As Grace showers, I change into the basketball shorts she gave me then lay on her bed and play with my phone. When she finished she comes out changed and comfy looking.

"Better?" I ask sitting up.

She shrugs then says, "A little." I nod as she sits beside me. "I just... I just feel like I wasn't good enough for them, and that's why they left."

"Grace, don't say that, okay? You were good enough, they said they love you and they did it out of your best interest." I rub her back and she looks up at me with sad eyes. I have to resist the sudden urge to just kiss her and make her feel like she is loved by somebody. I know she feels like she isn't appreciated by her parents, but the only thing I can do is tell her she is.

"I guess so, thanks." she smiles and looks back down at her lap.

"No problem. Now come on, let's get some sleep." We get up and walk to either side of the bed, pull back the covers and slide in. We lay down and pull the blankets up, then shut off the light.

"Night Toby." she says rolling over and leaning her head on my bare chest.

"Night Grace." I say wrapping my arms around her and kissing her temple.

A/N: sorry it's short, I just feel like it shouldn't have been any longer, I may or may not start on another chapter tonight but I kind of just want to catch up on my reading. I am getting a tad bit more homework now and I bombed my science 'quest'.... yep. Comments may help me update faster, though I don't really know what to do from now on... eh I'll figure something out.

vote, comment, share, follow, pip pip cheerio! BYEE! <3

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. {Before You Exit} -Book Two-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt