Chapter 12

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I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong.....but instead of words coming out of my mouth, Blood ran thick and red.

It's iron tang filled my mouth as my body went numb and cold.

My front became wet, and my head screamed in pain.

I look down.........

Then I wish I hadn't.

My torso was thick with red, making the outside of my body warm as it left my insides cold.

"W-Why--" My questions curt off as my legs gave out from under me, causing my body to slam to the ground.

Why was this happening?

"Rain!" My sisters shouted as they crowded my body. My body shaking with effort as I gasp led for breath. But my oxygen was currently being blocked by the blood bubbling in my mouth, causing it to fill my lungs more quickly.

"G-Go," I gurgle. My voice near non-existent. They both shook their heads as my body started seizing in an effort to rid the blood from my lungs.

"Please," Sahara cried, "Please, you can't leave us."

"Yeah," Sarah continued, "You, Sahara and I, we were going to get out." She sniffles. "We're going to be happy!"

A shadow comes up behind both of them, the only warning they get is a sharp widening of my eyes as both mother and father raise the crow bars above their heads. Both Sarah and Sahara turn just in time to see the crow bars be brought down with enough force that all it took was one hit...

Both of my sisters bodies went limp.

Still the crow bars were brought down again ...and again and again and again and again.

The sound was sickening, and I couldn't move I just made whimpering was the most I was capable of....

Breathing is starting to get harder and harder. My body hasn't stopped getting cold. Tears run down my cheeks as both Mither and Father started to walk back to the car. Leaving us here in the wild, defenseless and alone.

My phone glows from inside my pocket, the in fades...

The last this I see as my world turns back is my fathers phone glowing green from his back pocket.

I laugh quietly.

Everything is gone.

What did we all do to deserve this?

I continue to sink down into the inky blackness that is death....

And then my body starts to get warm, I open my eyes in curiosity and find myself in a world of green and running computer codes.

I sit up quickly to look around, curious of my new surroundings.

Then I freeze...

...... I can breath.

......My pain's gone...But-

Familiar laughter comes from everywhere.

"You seem to have met a terrible fate....Let's see if we can change that, my brother."

Everything fades does my conscienceness.

* * *
Parents P.O.V (be patient with me my fam)
* * *

They had done it.....

They were now pure. Their sins were gone with their rotten fruits disposal. Those sinful fruits now able to pass on to their after life, and hopefully, just hopefully, stay in the purity of God's side.

"Do you think we did it fast enough?" Mother spoke up.

"We won't know until we pass on to heaven ourselves." Father said gruffly. "We can only hope for now."

"This still feels strange." Mother pressed. "We saved our children from eternal damnation, left them in a place that will forever be in the sun. But it feels as though we've sinned something great."

"Don't be foolish." Father snapped. "We saved them. We're their heroes. Now plug my phone into the charger won't you? My battery's at 2%."

"Ok, where'd you put the charger?" Mother sighed as she grabbed his phone.

"Check the glove box." Father said.

"Here it is." She pulled out the long black cord and plugged it into the soon as she plugged the phone into the car, the phone began to glow a bright, vibrant green. A young boy's laughter burst through as all the lights in the car turned green.

"What is this?" Father questioned as mother grew deathly pale.

The radio turned on by itself, providing a low hum that rang through heavy static. Slowly but surely that him got higher and higher and higher....

Until that him turned so high pitched both mother and father's ears and noses began bleeding.

The boy's laughter sounded agin through the hum. "You Reeaallyy shouldn't have done that." The boy singsonged as the car started jerking back and forth.

The entire vehicle malfunctioning as it slowed to a stop off the road.

Both mother and father looked at each other with shakened expressions. Father cursed and turned the keys in the ignition.


He tries again.......


He tries three more times.


"What is this!?" He shouted, as he tries again with no luck.

The boy laughs again. "You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?"


Here's another chapter!!! Knocking this out this weekend XD

Remember to star and comment!!!

Stay creepy lives!!!!

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