Camila smiled, "That's an amazing idea, Y/N. You might not be my family, but I feel like I can count on you and I hardly know you." She pulled me into a hug and I gladly reciprocated.

"C'mon, you've gotta go. I'll walk you out." I pulled away and walked with her to the exit.

"Thank you, Y/N. For today." Camila looked over at me.

"It's really no problem, Camila." I said. I smiled and hugged her one last time before she walked out.

"Okay, but like, what if the only person left on earth was a guy?" Austin asked me. It was the first day of the tour and he would not leave me alone. I wanted to straight up choke him at this point.

"Well I guess God really wanted the world to end, eh?" I questioned before walking away. Why was he even on our tour bus?

Austin had his own small tour bus that he'd be sharing with our crew, whilst Chase Atlantic, Hailee, and Fifth Harmony all shared one large tour bus.

I walked over to Camila, who was sitting with Alycia and Lauren. "Hello, mate." I said, throwing my arm around her shoulder. I looked across at Alycia and Lauren before saying "Hello other mates." Causing us all to laugh.

"So, Y/N, I'm going to need you to play all the lead guitar parts next month for like two days on the tour." I threw her a questioning glance."They want me back in The 100 for a final episode."

"What the hell, what do you mean final episode?" Lauren questioned.

I laughed before explaining, "Don't tell anyone, but episode 7 is gonna tear your heart out."

Lauren looked like she was about to cry. "Lexa was my favorite character." She said, looking over to Alycia.

"Mate, I'm literally right here. Like, they might kill lexa, but I'm still here, right?" Alycia said with a smile.

I leaned over and high fived her, "Hell yeah she is!"

All four of us talked in the back for about twenty minutes until Chloe came back and informed us we were about to leave. I got up and decided to lay in my bunk for a bit because I was tired, as usual. Alycia knew I hated sleeping alone so she joined me in my bunk, but watched a movie while I slept.

After about two hours Alycia gently shook me awake. Notice I say gently. "We're all about to get up and eat at some place called Waffle Palace." She explained. I got out of my bunk after Alycia and walked towards the front where everyone else was getting off.

"So what's the Waffle Palace?" I asked. I was then slapped by a little ball of sunshine.

"It's the Waffle House, and it is the most amazing place ever, Y/N" Ally explained furiously.

I threw my hands up in surrender, "Damn, my bad." Another slap. Yikes!

I then spotted a green eyed beauty walking my way. "Hey, Y/N." She said with an adorable smile.

"Hey, cutie." I said. We walked into the Waffle House and got a huge table for 10. I sat with Lauren on one side of me and Alycia on the other, Camila taking the seat in front of me and everyone else filling in around us.

"Waffles are delicious." I heard Shannon say from the end of the table.

"Shut up, you think every thing is delicious, dumbass." Damn Chloe, back at it again with the snarky comments.

I turned to Lauren, "So what's life like back home for you?" I questioned.

"It's great. I have amazing friends and my family is everything to me. I also have a boyfriend, his name is Brad, he's in a band, The Vamps. You might've heard of them?" Eh I actually haven't...she doesn't need to know that though.

"Oh right, Brea- BRAD..Brad." I covered up with a smile. "What's he like?"

"He's amazing. He's British, and sweet, and is really talented. He plays the guitar and he can sing." She said with a dreamy look. Gross.

"I'm Australian, I play the guitar, and the piano. Oh and the dru-hmph." I couldn't finish my sentence, seeing as I was interrupted by Camila's foot on my ankle. She gave me a pointed look. I was bragging, wasn't I?

I smiled at Lauren, "Sounds amazing. A real keeper." I then turned to Alycia while Lauren moved on to a conversation with Dinah, "Who the fuck are The Vamps?" I questioned quietly.

"How the hell should I know?" She asked. "Sounds stupid to me."

"Lauren is dating some bread guy from The Vamps." I told her.

"Aww is wittle Y/N jealous." She said with a pout. Bitch.

"Shut up, Alycia, I hardly know her." It's true, I just met her a week ago. Sure she was beautiful, but that doesn't mean I have a crush on her.

"Whatever you say, Y/N/N." She smirked. I glared at her and she turned to Chloe. For the rest of our dinner I talked to Camila about what her family was like and I explained what my family was like. She was great to talk to.

Later that night, we got back on the bus and headed towards where our first show would be tomorrow. I was spread out on a couch on the back while Alycia laid on me, asleep. Chloe and and Hailee occupied the other couch, Shannon was in her bunk talking to Cammie, and all the 5H girls were upfront.

"So, Haiz, you excited for your first show on a tour?" I asked. Sure she'd performed at the jingle ball, but she'd never been on an actual tour.

She grinned, "I am so excited, I can't believe I'm on tour with Chase Atlantic!"

Chloe laughed, "We're nothing special, but thank you, love."

Hailee stood up, "Well I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight, guys."

We all said goodnight back and I watched as Chloe went to bed too. I guess I'll sleep back here with Alycia, seeing as she's on top of me. "Goodnight, Alycia." I whispered before kissing here forehead.

As I was about to drift off into dreamland I saw Lauren enter the back. "What's up, Lo?" I asked.

"Can't sleep." She said with a frown. She sat down before continuing, "I'm going to binge watch Fear The Walking Dead because Alycia is my favorite actress and they're killing her off on The 100."

I laughed, "And again I say, Alycia is right here, babe." She blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Yeah well, I still wanna watch it." She said with a cute pout.

"Knock yourself out. Goodnight, Lauren." I said while looking in her beautiful eyes from across the room.

"Goodnight, Y/N." She said before turning her attention to the TV. I smiled to myself before closing my eyes and going to bed. I'd never admit it out aloud, but perhaps I had the slightest crush on her.

Whoop chapter 2. What do you think? Should I continue this story?

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