Monday (XII)

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1612 words

I was walking to the gym through the sea of people when someone forcefully grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see Mitch smiling up at me. I couldn't hold back the smile as I wrapped him in a hug.

"So I was in religion class, and Janice brought up our relationship." he said informatively without hesitation or sadness in his voice.

"What did you say?" I asked him and pulled away from the hug, still holding on to him.

"I snapped at her and told her to shut her mouth or I will for her." he said sassily.

"How did she respond?" I asked him. I let go of him and intertwined our hands as we continued walking to the gym.

"She didn't say a word after that thank God. But other classmates kept whispering all class long, so I don't know what rumors were spreading so please don't get mad if they find out." he said knowingly. When I hear false things about me or Mitch, I go off on them, in a bad way. They usually go home with a black eye.

We arrived at the gym moments later and sat down on the edge of the stage like we always do. There were a few others sitting on the stage and some more on the floor. I had my arm wrapped around his waist as his arm was draped around my shoulders. We were sitting there for a while in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. I kissed him on the forehead as the teacher walked in.

"Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon Mrs. Givanoni." the class said boringly with a monotone voice.

"Today, we will be working on a piece for the spring concert and I'll need any volunteers to be soloists. Anyone?"

I knew Mitch would hate me afterwards, but he has an amazing voice that is underrated. I grabbed his wrist and shot it in the air. He struggled to pull it down and whined, earning stares and a huge smile on my face.

"Mr. Grassi would you like to have a solo?" she asked.

Mitch shook his head but I said, "Yes, he would love to have a solo Mrs. G."

"Alright, Mitch. Come up here." she said, motioning for Mitch to stand next to her. Mitch reluctantly got up and stood next to her by the piano. "There is some sheet music being passed around and I would like you all to start working on your parts."

"Mrs. G?" Shelby spoke up. What now Shelby? Another stupid comment? She was the stuck up snob of the school.

"Yes Shelby?"

"There are two soloists. Not one." Shelby said as she scanned the sheet music. I was handed a stack of booklets from Tom on my left so I grabbed one and passed them on. I looked inside and saw that there were in fact two soloists.

"My apologies everyone. Who else would like to have a solo?" Immediately Shelby's hand shot up. "You've already had enough Shelby. Who else?" There was some snickering among the class. Shelby has already has a solo and one's enough in Mrs. G's eyes.

"Mrs. G?" Mitch spoke up.

"Yes, Mitch?"

"I think Scott would love to solo with me." he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes but was also thankful for him.

"That's a great idea Mitch. Scott, come up here please." she said, motioning me to stand next to Mitch. I stood up and walked over to Mitch and hugged him. There were several awes within the class, but I ignored them.

"Get going class!" she said and waved her hands in the air to encourage them to start working.

"So boys, I would like for you to go over your music and pick out which parts you would like to do. Don't forget to mark it up." she said as she walked over to her small desk in the corner.

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