Thursday (I)

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I know it's been forever, but I'm starting to get my life back on track, so, here's another update! Plus, I'm feeling good cause I actually slept last night! Yay! I will be going back to weekly updates from now on. Okay, enough talking. Enjoy this small update!

"Scott! Get up! You've gotta leave in half an hour!" My mom said as she bust into my room and turned the lights on full blast. I covered my eyes and groaned. She left my room door wide open and left. Three of the worst things early in the morning. Loud noises, light, and no privacy. I went and closed the door and turned off the lights. I knew I couldn't go back to bed, so I just sat on it, thinking about the day. I'll have to plan out tomorrow and that's gonna be a nightmare. I kinda have everything planned, but I'm not sure everything will work out. I was planning on taking him to dinner before, then getting there. They usually end all the dances with a slow song, so at the end I'm gonna give the ring to him. That's when I wanna make us public.

"Scott! Fifteen minutes!" She banged on my door. Shit. I can't get ready in that time. I quickly got dressed and went into the bathroom to fix my hair. I guess I'll have to wear a beanie. I'm not sure if the school allows that, but I have to. I went out of the bathroom and got all my school stuff ready. I ran down the stairs, hoping to eat breakfast in five minutes.

"Just take it to school with you." She said, handing me a paper bag full of food.

"Thanks mom!" I called after me as I ran back upstairs to grab my stuff. Then I practically ran out the door, almost late to school.

School was boring, tiring. The news crew didn't talk to me or Mitch today, which was good. Mitch still has no clue what I'm gonna give him. It makes me so nervous though. I mean, it's tomorrow. I can't really comprehend that. This week has gone by too quickly if you ask me.

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